Chapter 49 Not Shu Xiaohui

Start from the beginning

Chen Chengduo remained silent for a while and turned slightly to look in the direction of the New city.

When Li Hui sent that small box to Professor Wei last night, Professor Wei said he had already assembled the device and he’ll install it in the tower today. So, Chen Chengduo should build the tower as soon as possible, and they started early in the morning.

Shu Xiaohui looked over along his sight, several battlefield vehicles were driving over.

Shu Xiaohui was surprised, pointing his paw out there, “Squeak?”

Is Professor Wei coming?  

Chen Chengduo nodded slightly and glanced at the hundreds of strangers that were fighting.

Shu Xiaohui rubbed his chin on his paw and said nervously, “Squeak!”

Chen Chengduo, I forgot to clear Professor Wei’s black mist.

Therefore, facing such a melee, it might affect Professor Wei’s vehicle. And Professor Wei may be out of luck again.

Chen Chengduo comforted him, “Professor Wei will be fine.”  

Then he raised his hand slightly, and a few steel wires shot towards the ground, firmly fixing the big gray rat on the ground.

Accordingly, Bai Hongyi was as if he was pinched in the neck, his face was pale, and he had bitten his teeth for a while, then he could only say, “Stop!”

Bai Hongyi’s men gradually stopped.

The wheels rolled over the messy ground after the scuffle, these vehicles drove directly to the tower that was about to be completed.  

Professor Wei pushed the door and got out of the car. He didn’t pay attention to anything else. Holding the small box sent by Chen Chengduo last night, he hurriedly wanted to talk to Chen Chengduo. Then he saw the big gray rat kidnapped by wire on the ground.   


Is this rat…  

Hell not, did the little hamster mutate?

Professor Wei looked at Chen Chengduo with a shocked look. What did this person do that made such a cute little hamster become this?!   

Chen Chengduo’s mouth twitched, “He’s not Shu Xiaohui!”   

Shu Xiaohui waved his paw in Chen Chengduo’s pocket, “Squeak!” I’m here!  

Professor Wei was relieved, and pushed up his glasses, pointing at the rat on the ground, “So what is this?”   

Li Hui grinned, “Professor Wei, it is Bai Hongyi’s warpet.”

Professor Wei stared at the gray rat on the ground, silent for five seconds, and suddenly tossed the small box in his hand and reached out to grab Li Hui.

Then he said rather eagerly, “You’re Li Hui, right? A good soldier! Can you go back to my laboratory and move the aquarium here? Then I will design an exclusive weapon for you, no matter what function you want, I’ll add for you!”

Li Hui didn’t say anything, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Chen Chengduo looked at the small box thrown to the ground by Professor Wei and squinted, “Professor Wei?”

Professor Wei forgot the small box at all. He turned to look at the crowd over there. When he saw Bai Hongyi with a pale face, Professor Wei pushed his glasses, “Emperor Bai? How is it going?”


Emperor Bai?

What the hell is this name? Shu Xiaohui blinked his eyes with confusion.

Chen Chengduo glanced at Shu Xiaohui, “Bai Hongyi used this calling himself when he was deluding people.”

Shu Xiaohui didn’t know what to say…

At this time, Bai Hongyi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, “Professor Wei.”

His palms showed electric light, he could kill him at any time…if his pet was not under the control of them!

So, Bai Hongyi couldn’t do anything at this time, and his face was distorted.

Soon, Li Hui was back from the New city, carrying the huge aquarium, and all angelfishes inside gathered together tremblingly. 

Professor Wei smiled and asked Li Hui to put the aquarium in front of the wire-bound rat and patiently communicate with his warpet.

The main idea was obvious. Zebra was kidnapped by Bai Hongyi before, now that Bai Hongyi’s pet was here, Zebra could seek revenge!

However, maybe Zebra was scared and did not respond.

Professor Wei frowned and looked at the warpets of the soldiers, he said very solemnly, “Whose warpet is a cat? Lend me, the reward is an exclusive weapon.”

Then the three civet cats who had bluffed Shu Xiaohui were given over by their owners…  

Shu Xiaohui looked sympathetically at the big gray rat who had just opened his eyes and saw three civet cats slapping their paws on the head of the rat through Chen Chengduo’s steel wire.

Then, Professor Wei looked at the aquarium expectantly.

One of the angelfish swam out, approaching Professor Wei, then spit a bubble, and swam into the bubble.

Professor Wei smiled, opened the lid of the aquarium, pulled out the angelfish, and hold it in his hands.

Did this also work?!

Shu Xiaohui suddenly understood, that Professor Wei’s pet was not scared but was sulking. 

At this time, Bai Hongyi felt the fear of his pet, and he looked worse. He clenched his fist and looked at Chen Chengduo, “Captain Chen, Professor Wei, OK, you won, I will not destroy communication lines, you let my warpet go.”

Professor Wei stroked Zebra’s bubble and looked at one of the battlefield vehicles, which contained his newly researched device, and said, “Captain Chen, I have worked out a way to de-coordinate consciousness between people and pets. “

Shu Xiaohui froze for a moment, then turned to look at Chen Chengduo, “Squeak?”

What does this mean? Does it mean it’s possible to kill these people?

At this time, Chen Chengduo had completed the construction of the entire metal tower. He looked at Bai Hongyi’s men. Commander Fang had asked him before, and he had said that grasses should be eradicated.  

Warhead Pet HamsterWhere stories live. Discover now