CH3: Soulmates or bound to break?

Start from the beginning

Bakugo walks in drenched and in tears...

Denki: Woah, you look like shit bro!

Denki smiled as he teased the blonde boy...

Izuku: KACHAN!

Deku went over to him worried that bakugo was going to get sick, and he threw a blanket over him.

Izuku: You're gonna catch a cold, go get into something warm and I'll make you hot chocolate...

Bakugo tried to smile but couldn't...

Bakugo: Okay, thanks nerd

Bakugo then headed to his room...

Bakugo then headed to his room

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Mina: Soooo~

Mina said suggesting something was going on between izuku and bakugo.

Izuku: soooo, what?

Izuku was completely oblivious to what Mina was suggesting.

Mina: What's going on with you and bakugo~

Izuku started to blush redder than a tomato...

Izuku: N-nothing, he just has been a bit off since the ruins so I thought I'd try to cheer him up!

Izuku tried reassuring the rest of them nothing was happening with bakugo and him.

No one looked convinced at all...

Izuku: I-I need to go make that hot chocolate now, I'll be back soon!

He tactically retreated from the situation...

He tactically retreated from the situation

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Kirishima looked at Mina...

Kirishima: Do you think he knows why bakubro was acting so strange at the ruins?

Mina: I don't know but he is hiding something..."

Mina was now more suspicious than ever of the green-haired boy...

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