Chapter 2

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Isaac's POV

Me and Y/n locked eyes. She was inches away from me! I glanced at her lips but automatically automatically look back up because Joe cleared his throat, which meaning 'um, hello...' we backed away from each other pretty fast.

"Ok well... um, we should head back." Y/n said kind of embarrassed from what just happened. "Y-Yeah, let's g-go..." I replied.

We all swim out of the river and started packing up her stuff. " hey I'm a go ahead and meet you guys at the house." Y/N said with her baggy shirt on reaching her mid thighs.

"Ok see you there!" Joe answered with a smile. She kindly did one back and waved bye. We waved goodbye as she disappeared. At this point I had major butterflies.

"DUDE!!" Joe giggled as he punched my arm. "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!" I got my arm and rubbed it. "Dude you almost kissed her!!!" Joe said really excited. I stayed silent and started blushing like crazy.

"Like come on! Why didn't you kiss her!? You guys were so close!" " because she is my best friend! It would be weird to kiss your best friend! Especially if they don't like you back."

Yes, I have been crushing on Y/N since we were nine. I just never told her because I was too scared that she didn't like me back. One of my favorite things about her is her smile. When she smiles it's like I'm sitting in front of a nice warm fire. It makes me feel so warm and tingly. I may seem fine on the outside but on the inside I was going crazy every time I was around her.

" Isaac, I am pretty sure she likes you back. When you guys almost... You know... Kissed-"

"Yes! Ok! I know what we almost did! What's your point??"

" what I'm saying is that when you almost kissed in the river, that she didn't back away!" Joe explained.

" what do you mean?" I asked confused.

" I mean that if I wasn't there to stop y'all..." he carried on.

" then we would've kissed..." I finished off now knowing what he meant.


What if Joe wasn't there? What if we did actually kiss? Would she have pulled away super quickly, or synced into it...

"Alright enough daydreaming lover boy! We got a head back." Joe teased. " what?! I'm not daydreaming!" I replied quickly. "Mhm sureee!" Joe laughed. I rolled my eyes at him and nudged his arm.

Maybe this summer won't be so bad.

OMG! I got chapter 2 done! I had already written this a couple days ago but forgot to publish😅🥲 anyways I would like to thank my 1 reader💕😭 I really appreciate it! Chapter 3 will be up very soon! It's in work in progress rn! Luv ya!😙

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