Green Gables

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"Anne must you talk so much? They're not going to want to keep us if you keep talking nonsense." Marian said on the train ride there.
"But they sent for us, why wouldn't they want to keep us?" Anne asked confused.
"Because they don't know what they're getting. I don't want to go back to the orphanage." Marian replied.
Anne huffed and sat down improperly.
"Anne Shirley sit up straight." Marian scolded her younger sister.
"Why?" Anne said annoyed.
"Because I said so. Just because you didn't go to finishing school doesn't mean you can act like a boy." She continued.
"Now when we get there, no talking about nonsense." Marian said when Anne finally sat up straight.
They were dropped off by Mrs Spencer.
Anne sat outside holding her broken bag, while Marian sat inside like most did.
A man walked in.
"Mr Cuthbert." The station master started.
Marian sat up straighter.
"We sent for two boys and there are two girls." Mathew Cuthbert said looking back at Marian and Anne who'd just walked in and introduced herself. She wouldn't stop shaking Mr Cuthberts hand.
"Excuse her Mr Cuthbert she has a very avid imagination. We can wait for the next train back to Nova Scotia, and we'll tell the matron to send two boys instead." Marian said respectively.
"No that's quite alright. You've got your bags? And you've come all this way." Mathew said to the older girl.
"No Mr Cuthbert, we don't want to burden you and your sister." Marian replied.
"It's no burden, let's get going." He said and took Marians bag.
Marian glared at Anne.
Anne just shrugged.
She wouldn't stop talking the entire way there.
Marian rolled her eyes in annoyance.
Although Marian had the same imagination as her twin she knew when to hold her tongue.
When they arrived at Green Gables Merilla Cuthbert was livid at her brother.
"I'm sorry there was a mistake Miss Cuthbert, like I told Mr Cuthbert, we're not sure where the mistake happened but we can send back word to the matron for two boys instead." Marian replied after Anne had a breakdown.
"Get up Anne." She scorned her sister who got up on command.
"Now we'll not be leaving you out to dry, gather your things put them on the bench as well as your hat and get cleaned up for supper." Merilla said after seeing the way the older sister had control over the younger one.
Marian did so obediently and efficiently.
She and Anne washed their hands for dinner.
"Is there anything I can help you with Miss Cuthbert?" Marian asked politely.
"Oh no dear that's alright." Merilla replied.
After supper Marian cleaned the dishes without being asked to, this shocked both adults.
"Now get washed up for bed." Merilla said smiling sweetly at the two girls.
Anne fell asleep a sobbing mess.
Marian comforted her before getting up and walking to Merilla's room.
She knocked lightly on the door.
"Come in." She heard quietly on the other side.
"Oh Marian, is something the matter?" Merilla asked.
"Well no and yes. I just thought you'd like to know that Anne has fallen asleep." She informed the woman.
"Thank you." Merilla said smiling.
"And I know you didn't want us, and we can both go if you'd like, but Anne has never had a real home before and she was ever so excited to come here. I'd hate for one of her dreams to be crushed. I can go, if you'll just keep her. She's very handy in the kitchen, and is very good at cleaning as well-" Marian went on until Merilla cut her off.
"Calm yourself dear child. We don't intend on getting rid of either of you." Merilla said smiling.
"Oh are you sure?" Marian replied unsure herself.
"Of course dear, we both decided the two of you would do good around here after you did the dishes." Merilla replied.
"Now Mrs Berry has invited the three of us over for tea tomorrow afternoon, so I expect you both to be on your best behavior, she has two daughters, one of your age and one of 5. I'll make Anne a new dress come morning, yours seems to fit well." Merilla continued.
"Yes I'm very handy with a sewing machine, at the orphanage I made all the girls dresses for when they were sent for to be adopted. That's where I got the green fabric of my church dress." Marian hadn't realized how much she was talking until she'd finished.
"I'm sorry Miss Cuthbert, I'm taking to much." She said with her head down.
"Now now dear that's all right, you seem very mature for your age are you sure you and Anne are twins?" Merilla joked causing Marian to smile.
"And I'd love to see what dresses you've made in the morning. Now time to get to bed you'll have a big day ahead of you come morning." Merilla said and Marian smiled and nodded.
"Goodnight Miss Cuthbert." Marian said closing the door.
"Goodnight Marian." Merilla replied smiling.

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