Start from the beginning

It was a bad day. From Ginny siding with that weirdo to Marcus completely ignoring me, I was tired. I laid my hoodie over my head, resting my eyes. Everything seemed brighter and blurrier giving me a minor, throbbing headache.

Press and Brodie burst through the doors singing Hunters song. A small crowd was forming around them, people recording for their social media's.

"You're so embarrassing." Ginny yelled at them as they came to sit by me. Brodie pulled the hoodie off of my head, using his hand to stroke my hair.

"What's wrong Y/N baby?"

I groaned, "I'm not your baby and I'm fine." "You don't seem fine." Press commented.

"I'm just tired. Nothing more, nothing less." They left me alone after that, probably realising that I wasn't in the mood to talk.

School ended not too long ago and MANG left to regroup at Blue Farm. Ginny had a shift and they were discussing their Halloween costumes.

Ginny told me she invited Bracia, which hyped me up. Ever since we spoke at leadership, we've become closer. She introduced me to her friends and they were funny, especially Wes and his panicking.

We didn't hang out often but that was on me. I wasn't one for making it keeping friends.

[i didn't write the leadership scene because i have no idea what it is, but just to be clear y/n did go]]

Austin was home alone so I speed walked to the house. He was old enough to stay by himself but I didn't feel comfortable leaving him alone.

The house was eerily quiet as I turned to closed the food, "Hey Austin, I'm home!" No reply. "Austin?"

Sliding off my shoes, I checked the living room and kitchen but they were empty. I called out again, "Austin?" He was usually home by now but Austin knew how to handle himself so I didn't worry. Mom made it a priority that all her kids knew how to defend themselves if we ever got in trouble.

Creeping upstairs, I hummed to myself. Yes, it was Hunter's song. No matter how many times, I tried I couldn't get it out of my head.

"BOO!" Austin popped out of my room with a clown mask. I wasn't scared of clowns but they weren't my favourite thing in the world.

"Argh!" I pushed Austin back in the room, attempting to run away but I tripped over the carpet, falling down the stairs.

"Y/N!" Austin screamed, running after me but I kept tumbling.

Once I hit the floor, my head was pounding, the pain in my right arm was indescribable. It was crooked in the middle where my bone was supposed to be. "What the- Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow."

I hopped up and swayed towards the sofa, limping. Austin was trailing behind me, reaching for the phone to call Mom.

"Mom... I need help." Austin whispered, tears trickling down his face. "Y/N fell down the stairs 'cause I scared her and now her arm is broken and she can barely open her eyes."

He was full on bawling at this point so I pulled him into my lap, rubbing his back. "It's not your fault." I choked out, my arm was slowly bringing tears to my eyes.

"Give the phone to Y/N." Moms voice echoed through the house. Austin's shaky hand pressed the phone against my ear.

"Hey Mom."

"Y/N! How many times have I told you to be careful near the steps? This is the third time it's happened, Thank God you didn't break anything the first two times." Mom scolded, more disappointed than mad.

𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 | 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘶𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now