Chapter 1

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I look at my target building from a nearby rooftop, avengers tower, the building that has to have something that I can steal and sell to get enough money to survive.

I use my blue spectral magic to cloak myself and hover onto the landing pad of the tower.

Natasha's POV

I'm training in the main area when I get a feeling that something isn't right.

I toss a netting charge at the wall behind me, I turn around and notice a cloaked figure in my netting.

The figures hands start glowing blue, in a way similar to Wanda's powers, my netting disappears off the figure.


I raise my left hand in the direction of black widow, a dim glow of my magic powers appears on her, I lift her up and get ready to toss her backward when I'm hit by a magic blast similar to mine, the difference being the color is red.

I impact the wall behind me, hitting my head, darkness engulfs me.

Wanda's POV

The figure is unconscious, the glow that is cloaking the figure disappears revealing an 8 year old boy.

I notice the boys hands are glowing the same way mine do with my magic.

"Let's get him to the interrogation room." Nat tells me.



My eyes flutter open, I feel something metal on my wrists, I look down and see handcuffs.

I hear a door opening, I look up and see black widow and Scarlett witch entering the room.

"Tell me why you tried to infiltrate the tower." Black widow asks.

I remain silent.

"If you won't tell me, I'll have to use other methods to make you talk." Widow said.

I start shaking intensively, memories of my abusive foster family flashing in my mind.

Wanda's POV

I slowly approach the child.

"Child, what's wrong?" I ask.

"P-please don't let her hurt me, I can't go through that a-again." The child tells me.

"May i look into your mind, so I can understand why?" I ask him.

He nods.

I put my right hand on the top of his head, use my magic to see his memories, and what I see is horrible, his foster family abused him since he could walk, him running away at the age of 4, and having to turn to stealing to survive.

I take my hand off his head and look to nat.

"Other room, now." I tell her.

We head into the next room, the rest of the team is waiting.

"Wanda, what did you see?" Steve asks me.

"The child was abused by his foster family since he could walk, he ran away at the age of 4, and he had to turn to stealing to survive." I tell them.

"We cannot send this child back, knowing what has happened to him." Thor states.

"I'll raise the child." I state.

Everyone looks to me.

"Wanda, are you sure?" Clint asks me.

"Yes, not only do I have motherly feelings for the child, he also possesses the same powers i have." I tell them.

Me, Natasha and the team enter the interrogation room, I use my powers to lift up the child, sit him on the table and remove the cuffs.


"You have a name kid?" Tony stark asks me.

"My n-name is Zach." I tell him.

"Well Zach, wanda told us what she saw when she entered your mind, myself and the team decided that sending you back is a terrible idea." Steve told me.

"So what's going to happen to me?" I ask.

Wanda walks up to me and puts her hands on my shoulders, I flinch out of instinct.

"I will be bringing you in under our roof, and I shall raise you as my own son." Wanda told me.

Tears of joy start pouring down my face.

"So you'll be my new mom?" I ask her.

My new mom nods.

I hug my new mom.

"Thank you mommy." I tell her.

"You're welcome, my little light." She tells me.

A Scarlett Mother (Zach x Wanda maximoff mother-son relationship)Where stories live. Discover now