Call it Fate Call it Karma

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This is a part 2 to Slipping through my fingers
Covid does not exist
Bold= Westons thoughts
Italic= Your thoughts
I know this time line doesn't match up but oh well.
I don't know if I like this one or not but I hope you enjoy!

~3 years later~

You walked around LA to waste sometime before going to Starbucks to study. You just wanted to waste time to put your school work off as best as you can. You walked into a bookshop and just browsed the shelfs. You picked up the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower. You walked up the the cashier and they rung you up. You payed for the book and started your walk to Starbucks. You gripped the straps on your canvas tote using your free hand to tuck some of your hair behind your ear. You weren't watching where you were going when you bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry." You looked up and the memories came flooding back. He looked down and remembered that face. How could he forget that face, but your face looked different from the last time he saw it. Yeah, you looked more grown up, but it wasn't sad. There were no tears on your face. You looked happy. You both just stared at each other, wide eyes.

~Can I waste all your time here on the sidewalk~

"Y/n..." Was all he could make out.

"Wha-What are you doing here?" You questioned eyes wide.

"I live here. What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"Oh I um I go to UCLA" you answered pointing in the direction behind you.

"Um I'm going to go get coffee, you are welcome to join me." You invited him, pointing ahead of you. He accepted the offer and you started to walk to the coffeeshop. You tried to small talk but it was so awkward so you just stayed silent the entire walk. You hands were sweating and you started to fidget with one of the rings on your finger. You guys finally arrived at the coffee shop and he opened the door for you. Walking in you went to sit down. He followed you to the table and sat across from you.

"Do you want anything" You got up from your seat to get the coffee.

"Uh just a cold brew, oh here." He pulled out some money and gave it to you. You took it and walked to the line. Reaching the cashier you ordered two cold brews and pulled out your card. You payed for the drinks and returned to your seat. Taking the cash back out from your pocket placing it in front of Weston.

" I payed for the drinks." You told him. He swiped the money off the table and thanked you. You waved your hand as to say no problem.

"Y/n?" The barista called. You got up to get the drinks. You returned to the table handing Weston his drink.

~Can I stand in your light just for a while~

"So how have you been?" He looked at you taking a sip of his drink and smiled.

"Well schools been kinda hectic and a lot of homework but besides that I've been doing pretty good. How have you been." You took a sip of your coffee.

"Its been pretty good, YouTubes been kinda crazy but its fun." He answered his hand resting on his coffee cup. You guys continued to catch up.

~I've waited around and oh no, you are not around~

I can't believe he's here. I thought I would've never seen him ever again after we broke up. I avoided him in school until one day I just didn't see him anymore, its like he just disappeared. I never saw him since then. I waited and waited for the day he would come back and I could talk to him again but it was no use. I waited 2 years for him to walk through those school doors like nothing happened. And he never did. A little part of me was still waiting and when I moved down over here, that little part was still there.

~Having a hard time, watchin' you~

I never thought I would have seen her again, but here she is sitting right in front of me. When I moved to New York I couldn't help but wonder what she was up to. So I went to her Instagram but nothing. She didn't post for months and when she did post it was just about a book or a place she went to. I never saw her face. I just needed to get that image of her out of my head. I didn't want to know that I caused her that much pain.

Sometime last year was when I found out he had a YouTube channel. It appeared on my recommended. I clicked on it to see what it was and It was just him and his sister playing Roblox. He still had the same humor he did back then, it was like he didn't change. I began watching more of their content, its all that I did. It was really funny but then I got sick of having to see his face so I stopped. I haven't touched it since. Us meeting again could be fate. Maybe we had some unfinished business. What ever it may be I'm happy that it happened.

weston freaking kouryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt