Chapter 2

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Time skip

It was now the fourth stage I think? I don't know, I lost track. In the first 2 days, I got my opponent's badge. Some random dude's number, it was incredibly easy. It felt good being finally alone.

For the first 2 days, I trained to simply pass the time. Until one day I saw Hisoka walking by.

''Hey Hisoka'' I say as I walk up to him. ''Why hello~ I didn't expect you to come to the hunter exam'' I rolled my eyes ''listen, I'm here because I have a man to assassinate and I need the Hunter's website for it. I came up to you just to mention to not blow my cover, don't start blabbing about me being a spider and stuff''

''Now why would I do that~'' ''I don't know I'm just making things clear all right?'' ''Your secret is safe with me~'' He then winked and left. Well, I'm happy I got that done. I honestly don't think he would've told anybody, but that clown is so unpredictable that I couldn't take any chances.

The next day I was sitting on a branch. I find that trees are the best spots to relax in. I have a perfect view over all my surroundings and nobody can throw a surprise attack since I'm way too high for any person to see me. 

I kept looking down to see if anybody approaches. I want to fight, so the next person that I notice will be my opponent. I figured since I have nothing else to do, I might as well battle someone, even though they might not be strongest. 

I start to hear footsteps. I look below me and notice somebody walking by, it's Kurapika. 

''Oh... '' I think to myself.

I advance from my branch to get a better view. He's walking alone. 

I tell myself that the next person who appears I'll engage. 

He's almost right underneath me while I keep staring at him. All of a sudden, he stops. I glare at him confused. He then turns around at stares directly at me. 

That really surprised me so I jumped back. The branch cracks and I fall off. I plunge into the air until right before I hit the ground, Kurapika catches me. I was startled. Why did he bother rescuing me? He looks into my eyes for a second before he starts laughing.

''Put me down!'' I say as I push him away from me. ''You should be thanking me, I just saved you from hitting the ground'' ''As if, I was perfectly fine without your help'' ''Are you sure? Cause you were pretty high up'' With my nen, I would've been fine.

I sigh ''I fell because you stared at me out of nowhere, like how did you even know I was in that tree?'' ''I could feel your presence glancing at me. Technically it's your own fault for stalking me'' He said with a smile.

''What, I wasn't stalking you, I was just looking for people to fight'' ''oh so you didn't find your opponent's badge yet?'' ''No I have'' He looked at me confused. ''I simply wanted to pick a fight for fun'' 

He rolled my eyes at me ''hey don't judge me. I haven't fought in a while and I'm bored'' ''Ok then, why don't you help me find my badge?'' I consider this for a moment ''Yeah why not, I'll help you for a bit, only because I have nothing else to do'' 

We kept walking for hours. It was taking forever finding Tonpa. 

The next morning we set off again in search of that fat ugly man. We finally see him with Leorio. ''Hold on a second, let's wait a little bit'' He said to me. We kept quiet to watch what was going on. 

Not too long after that, Kurapika intervened and saved Leorio. ''Great, now that you have your badge, I can go back to relaxing for the remaining days'' ''You aren't going to help me find mine?'' Leorio asks me. ''Nah I've done enough searching for now. See you guys later!'' I say as I walk away.

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