A nightmare come true

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"GhAAA!!!! . . . unnff-!" Huh I fell b-but I'm not dead? What's this texture? I look around to see myself wrapped up around a very large and thick plant like substance. I look up to see a giant flower with great big blue petals and a-- a face? It's grinning? "Howdy, I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower" 0__0 it talked. "Of course I talked silly, you're new here arn't you?" I nod " You need to know the basics around here kid, guess big ol' me will have to do" The flower, sorry, Flowey winks at me. It's disturbing. The room gets dark as if it already weren't dark enough. A glowing heart stands in front of me in a strange box and 4 floating words. "See that Pink thing? That's your SOUL, the very cumulation of your being. Down here we get stronger with LV. What's LV? Why LOVE of course! You want some LOVE don't you? Well to do that you must share these - friendliness pellets. Are you ready? Run into them" Pellets? Th-those are bullets- "AHH!!" All six shot right at me and I fall to the ground gripping my lower abdomin, pouring a handful of green blood. " You idiot in this-- oh Uh, I didn't know it would be THAT bad... I'm sorry..I lied they are bullets... Stay here I'll get help.." The large flower burrows into the the soil, covered in blue flowers. I feel....so...fuzzy..,.NO! gotta stay awake..bah-... This hurts...hurry up flowey......

             Wh-where am I..? I was just now fallen...but this...this isn't where I was... I can't see very well but I can tell I've been bandaged and maybe taken to a hospital? I blink a couple of times to try and clear out the fuzzy opacity. "Ah!!" There's- there's a skeleton standing there! "Well well, look who woke up" It- no, he smiles, but was he smiling before? "Sorry to frighten you little human, My name is W.D Gaster but friends call me Shine. You met Flowey but you weren't supposed to take physical damage." I look at him confused. " how..did you know ? " He sits next to you. "You are interesting. Might you rest a bit" " How did you know!" I stammered. No reply except for a laugh. My head is pounding. Maybe I am tired... I'll... Rest....

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