Y/N's face turns red, and Kita saw this.

Y/N: G-Grandma... I uh... don't think about it Kita san...

Kita watches as Y/N is flustered. She looks cute and this makes Kita chuckle.

Kita: I can be her friend...

Y/N's eyes widened as they met with Kita's eyes. Y/N feels warm inside, knowing that she could make friends in here.

Y/N: um... really...?

Y/N's Gm: that's good... you two should get along anyway because you're going to see each other frequently...

Y/N is happy and smiles at Kita.

Y/N: I... would like that...

The two exchange glances and then smile at each other. Kita looks at his watch and then decided to leave.

Kita: I guess I'll excuse myself now...

Y/N's Gm: already?

Kita: ah yes, I still have things to do at the field...

Y/N's Gp: you must be a busy young man... keep up the good work!

Kota bows his head and walks out of the shop. Y/N comes to see him off.

Y/N: Thank you so much Kita san...

Kita: ah no... thank you for the tea... you make a good tea...

The two say goodbye to each other and Kita gets on his truck. But just before the truck moves, Y/N calls out to him. Kita looks at her from the window.

Y/N: Um... Kita san... I don't know a lot of people yet in here... but uh... would you like to come back here tonight? You could take your Grandmother too...

Kita sees Y/N's flustered.

Y/N: I uh... it's a celebration of opening my shop... it'll be on the house...

Y/N's actually really happy when Kita said he wants to get along with her, she's happy to have friends. She decided just now to invited Kita and his grandmother, and Osamu too.

Y/N's waiting for the answer, and Kita chuckles. Y/N looks up at Kita who's gently smiling at her.

Kita: okay, I'll come with my grandma... thank you for the invitation... see you later L/N san...

Y/N: See you Kita san! Be careful...

With that, the two continue their work until they'll meet again later.

After six, Kita comes with his grandmother. They walk into the shop and see Osamu sitting on the counter, eating a rice bowl.

Osamu: hey, Kita san, Kita's Grandma, good evening

Kita: hey Osamu...

Kita pulls a chair for his grandmother to sit in.

Y/N's Gm: hello there, you're the one from this morning... and hello Mam.

Kita's Gm: Hello dear...

Just then Y/N comes out of the kitchen with a glass of cold tea for Osamu. She's happy when she sees Kita and his Grandmother.

Y/N: good evening Kita san... good evening Mam...

■Y/N's POV■

I approach Kita san's table and greet them.

Y/N: thank you so much for coming...

Kita's Gm: oh my, the beauty from last week... thank you for inviting us, dear... such a nice shop you have here...

I could feel my face grew warm at the compliment. I look at Kita San who's smiling at his Grandmother, he really takes good care of her.

Y/N: Um here's the menu, what would you like to have?

Kita san and his grandmother looking at the menu and decided on a dish. I go to the kitchen and make it with my grandfather.

I serve it on the table and suddenly become nervous.

Y/N: um... please try it up...

Kita san and his Grandmother take a bite of their own rice bowl, and I can't help but stare.

Kita: it tastes really good L/N san...

Kita's Gm: what a good cook you are...

I could feel my body is overwhelmed with happiness. I'm glad that they like it, Osamu also praises our rice bowl earlier.

Because there aren't any customers yet, we chat for an hour, until it times to close. Osamu excuses himself first and went home.

Now I'm seeing Kita san and his grandmother off. Kita san helps his grandmother to get into the truck.

Y/N: Kita san... you really take good care of your grandmother...

Kita san looks at me and smiles.

Kita: you too, you take good care of your grandparents too aren't you? Your grandmother told me...

It seems like Kita san talked with grandma when I was cooking.

Kita: I'm sorry for your loss...

Y/N: ah it's alright... you should be careful when you drive Kita san... don't drive when you are too tired...

I remember the day my parents got into an accident. It seems like father is exhausted so he's not focused. Just then I feel a presence in front of me. I look up to see Kita san's worried face.

Kita: L/N, if you need someone to talk to, or need help, you could ask me.... and Osamu too... now we're your friends aren't we?

Kita san is smiling gently at me, I can't help but feel warmed by his kindness. My lips are pulled into a smile.

Y/N: yes... thank you Kita san...

I'm so happy to have met good people like them....

Happy to meet him...

I'm happy to be their friend...

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