She jumped in fright, only to playfully roll her eyes as she felt the person's lips press a kiss to the crook of her neck. "At first, I thought this idea was crazy, but now I regret ever doubting you," The boy whose name was Allen told her, causing Alex to smile in response.

Allen pulled away from her, allowing Alex to turn around. He wrapped his arm around her and they both looked at the group of boys playing poker at the two tables set up in the motel room.

"You're like some evil mastermind genius," He commented and Alex smirked mischievously, "A pretty one, at that."

"Tell me something I don't know," Alex replied before another knock was heard.

She sighed and walked over to the door, expecting it to be another person who wanted to take part. "Jesus, Al, how many people did you invite?" She complained, only to have her face pale when she opened the door to find her mother standing before her.

"Mom!" Alex exclaimed, her eyes widening in alarm.


Alex sat in the backseat impatiently, watching as her mother walked up to the car with Austin. He had just gotten in trouble for stabbing Cynthia Fuller's son in the hand with a pencil. It made Alex think back to eighth grade when she had something quite similar.

Ginny rolled her eyes and stepped out of the car. She pulled her seat up, allowing Austin to climb in. "Well?" She had asked as they all got into the car and closed the doors, "How'd it go?"

Georgia sighed, turning to glance at Ginny. "I'm not gonna lie. It was—"

"You're not gonna lie?" Ginny cut her mom off and let out a large scoff, "That's weird."

"Shut up, Ginny," Alex spoke up in an annoyed tone as she leaned forward in the back seat, "I want to hear what Mom has to say."

"Frankly, Alex, I'd like to hear from Austin," Ginny retorted before turning to glance at her brother, "How'd it go?"

"I'm suspended, and I have to do therapy. Mom said she was worried," Austin admitted, a disappointed look on his face.

"Baby, I'm not worried," Georgia argued, giving her son an assuring look, "There is nothing wrong with you, and you don't need to go therapy. That Zach kid had it coming."

"I'm sorry. Are you suggesting the nine-year-old deserved to be stabbed with a pencil?" Ginny asked, staring at her mother in disbelief.

"I'm sorry but you've got a lot of opinions today," Georgia retorted, beginning to glare at her daughter, "I don't remember anyone popping out of your birth canal! Can it."

"He needs to see someone, Mom!" Ginny demanded, a worried look on her face, "Clearly, he's not handling things well with your whole secret family surprise."

"I like Caleb!" Austin exclaimed in a defensive tone and Alex sighed as she listened to the conversation but didn't take part. It was the second time a child of Georgia's had done something like this. It was why Ginny was so upset.

"I didn't tell you about them for good reason," Georgia argued in a stern tone, "Maddie is trouble! You can't trust anything she says."

"Oh, that's rich," Ginny retorted in a sarcastic tone, "Please, lecture me more about who I can trust. I'm rapt."

"I don't wanna go to therapy," Austin spoke up, his eyes wide in fear.

"Don't worry," Georgia assured her son as she turned to glance at him, "You're not. I'm not paying for some twenty-nothing, latte-drinkin', tweed-wearing hypocrite who thinks they have any idea about my life."

MASK ON | GINNY AND GEORGIAजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें