Chapter 71: Fill in

Start from the beginning

"Am not. I'm just saying that when the kid fell he should've laughed out loud, instead of laughing into his shoulder and telling the mum he was coughing."

"Was the mum in front of you?" Fred asked.

"Yea." He answered.

"Oh- I would've laughed because its the kids fault, you warned him."

"Thank you! He's been hanging out with Hermione too much."

"Well she is my girlfriend. Actually there is something I want to talk to you Y/N about after my shift."

"Oh, i'm interested okay. When does your shift end?"

"I still have three hours. My break was earlier."

"Ah ok. Ow." I said as I felt Gideon kick my ribs.

"Is he kicking?" Fred asked.

"Yea and that one was really strong." I said taking a deep breath.

"I think its time for you to head back upstairs. I'll be up in an hour i've shortened my shift."

"Hey!" I hear Georges voice from behind me. "You didn't tell me that."

"Well seeing that it the store is slowing down i'd say you're going to be okay." Fred answers.

" I know. Alright lets start stocking some things so we have less boxes to do tomorrow."

"I'm going to go upstairs before he tries to break my ribs again."

"Alright my love. I love you." Fred says kissing me.

When I get back into the flat I went to the fridge to grab some fruit. I lay on the couch and eat it till their shifts end.

Fred was the first into the flat after an hour followed by Ron.

"I thought your shift didn't end for another two hours Ron?" I question.

"Well, the shop emptied and were all extremely tired. It wouldn't hurt closing early today and today only for another while." George answers walking through the door.

"Well alright.Come and sit i'm bored" I said patting the couch.

The three of them walked over and took their seats. Fred sat and put his arm around the back of the couch and my shoulder.

"So what did you want to talk to me about Ron?" I ask remembering what he told me earlier.

"I need advice on something from you Y/N."

"Wait! Are you getting Mione a promise ring?"

"How did you know? But yea. I've been in love with her since fourth i'm not sure what got into me in sixth year.  But we've only been together for a few months so I can't propose bit I want her to know that she is the one I want for my entire life."

"Aw. I'll gladly help you."

" We'll be able to help plan how you give her the ring if you want." Fred says.

"Yep." George replies.

"Thanks guys. Y/N I need help finding a ring that she would definitely like."

" I can help tomorrow after your shift if you want. We can all sit down and plan a little scenario so you can give it to her."

"That would be great. Thank you guys."

"Of course." We all say in sync.

" You are our brother you know-." George starts.

"It would be rude to not help especially when you helped with my proposal to Y/N." Fred starts.

"Yea, i'm going to head back to the burrow i'm really tired today was quite tiring. Goodnight guys."

"Goodnight mate."

"Goodnight Ron."

He stepped into the fireplace and left after the green smoke engulfed him.

I yawned and leaned into Fred's embrace.

"Is someone tired?" He asked laughing softly.


"You guys can head to bed if you want I think Angelina is on her way over."George says.

"Alright. Please use a silencing charm if anything happens." Fred jokes.

"Already planned on it."

"Okay." I laugh. "Lets just head to bed."

Once we brushed our teeth and got ready for bed we got into bed. Fred wanted to spoon. He was big spoon obviously. He nuzzled his head into my shoulder, kissed my neck and mumbled "goodnight you two" and we both fell asleep soundly.


As requested after chapter 72 I might be writing in second person (You grab the sweater for example of second person). It might not be well but its just for one chapter most likely. Also im sorry if this chapter isnt the best. Please remember that i didnt just stop because of storage on my phone. (Which im typing this on a computer now) but because of writers block. So  i might not be as good for a bit so no hate <3

Word count:1.8K

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