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What a shame, the day was the same as usual... so far at least.

I walked over to my locker to grab the books I needed for homework. "English... maths... science... anddd that's it." I mumbled to myself and yawned. I started closing my locker, when something caught my eye. "Hm..? I wonder what this could be..." I grabbed it out of my locker and looked at the neatly folder paper. "Hmmm... I'm not bothered to look at it now.." I yawned once again, and started heading off home.

As I was walking home, the presence of the unopened letter started to bug me. The thought that there was a note like object in my pocket that most likely had an interesting message that was unopened was bugging me. My heartbeat rose in pace as I started to panic. "Maybe... just a little peep won't hurt." I reassure myself as I grab it out of my pocket.

I opened it up and read through it.

There's some important things we must deal with, please meet me at the train station. 9:00pm sharp at the old, broken down platform.

Make sure you arrive.


"Talk about untrustworthy." I giggled to myself as I entered my apartment. I was greeted by my little dog, yapping and chirping away at me. His small claws started to dig into my legs. "Oww!! Hahah, poochyy~ you're growing little claws now!" I exclaimed as I picked him up and cuddled him near my neck. "You're becoming a big boy!" I praised him like a mum, giving him little pats and cuddles.

I set him down and walked to my room. He ended up following me anyway. I collapsed onto my bed, thinking about the note. Sounds way too fishy... I have a feeling it's probably Jessica, ready with a whole gang to try murder me. Thoughts ran through my head, trying to figure out what's going on. Wait... does that mean my day won't be the same??? Does that mean it'll be interesting?? I shot up in excitement.

"I have to set a timer! I gotta be there!!" I declared out loud as I quickly started to set my timer and get things ready. I quickly got into a new change of clothes and grabbed my bag. I held my phone in one hand, so I would feel vibrations when the timer went off.

"Maybe i'll go out for a bit to wait..." I said to myself as I approached the door. "Bye poochy! Bye ginger! Make sure you behave!" I reminded them, closing the door behind me.

I entered a cafe and sat down on one of the couches, scrolling through my phone. I only just realised how stupid I am... this could mean I'm living the last moments of my life... I gave a big sigh of disappointment, face planting onto the table. "I get so worked up over such little things..." I started to scroll through my phone, still in disbelief of my stupidity.

When the time rolled around, I got up from my seat and walked out of the cafe. "Umm, if I can remember correctly, the platform is..." I scanned the town, looking for the placing I remembered. "There!!" I exclaimed, pointing to the area. I started to jog over there with a mixed feeling of being excited and nervous.

I entered the station and snuck past the security guards. The platform was so much more destroyed than it used to be... "Yeesh, this could use a little clean up..." I complained as I looked around at all the overgrown weeds and graffiti. "Where are they..." I wondered as I looked around the area. It is 9:00, right? I thought to myself as I checked the time. Yeah... why aren't they here? I sighed. "Well they sure take their sweet ti-"
"Here I am." A low voice called out from behind one of the crumbled down pillars. I shivered in shock and slowly turned my head towards the voice.

There was a man directing a gun at me with ginger hair, a green sweater, and beige baggy pants. His eye colour looked almost white and he stared into my soul, sending more shivers through my body. His finger was placed on the guns trigger. I froze up in fear as I stared at the trigger. Bad idea (y/n), bad idea. I scolded myself.

"Sorry, but I gotta kill you now. It's my job." He started to approach me, still directing the gun towards me. "S-stay back..! I'm just a high school person who wants to go home and game!" I shouted weakly as I tried walking back, but got backed up into a corner. "Shit-! Dead end..!" I cursed to myself quietly as I looked at the man and his gun, shadowing over me. I gulped as I felt my death coming near. Normal lives aren't as bad as they seem!!!

(Credit to original artist that made the drawing in the cover thingy)

Ahahah! Take my cliffhanger although you all know from the description that Pico decides to not kill you!!! >:D

Sorry this was so late! I underestimated my work load for today T_T so I wrote this at 10:00pm 🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️

Sorry if it's not the best, I'm very tired and I'm not very good at writing books and stuff ;-:

Anyway I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I will release the next one when I can hopefully within 1-2 days :)


Also thank you to anyone who supports this fanfiction 🥺✨✨✨

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