Burning urge.

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Before I start this...Atsu doesn't deserve this 😩😩🤚🏼 but y'know 😒 I'm bored and Sakusa is a psycho right now...

ALSO! There is a ⚠️bipolar slur⚠️ in this chapter and I just wanted to say YOU ARE VALID AND THIS IS JUST FOR STORY PLOT

It's only been a few hours, the sun has started to go down. I wonder if Atsumu is hungry yet. I'm just waiting until he begs for food, or if he's going to open the door. That would be fun.
Till then I think I'll take a sho-...how long as it been since he's bathed?!

Sakusa stood up and walked slowly and quietly to the bathroom door. Once he was there he put his ear to the door and put on his mask. He pulled it up and turned the knob. He heard Atsumu scramble around as he slowly pushed the door. Sakusa stood there staring as Atsumu, now has his shirt on, thank god. He cleaned up the blood on his head which made Sakusa look at the sink, it was clean, the garbage can didn't have tissue which made Sakusa know Atsumu used the sink for water. The blanket was placed in the tub as it was left.

"Who said you could use my water?"
"Your not going to fucking speak? Where's that sassy attitude you gave me two hours ago?"
"If your not going to talk I'll give you a reason to stay quite."

Atsumu looked up at Sakusa with slight fear in his eyes. He shivered as he stood up shaking. What was about to happen next Sakusa would have expected...

Atsumu pushed past Sakusa darting out of the room as fast he could screaming at the top of his lungs! Sakusa scrunched his face as he brushed his shoulder and side before reality clicked

"FUCK!" He yelled.

He darted past The mystery murderer pushing his aside as he ran out of the bathroom screaming incoherently, he didn't even know what he was saying. He was terrified. He ran to the front trying to open it. Locked. He screamed out 'help' and other words as he pounded on the door as he unlocked it trying to open it again but it was locked still. He heard Sakusa yell out a curse. He looked up to see the door had about five locks. Of course.
He pounded and screamed trying to unlock it as he saw Sakusa sprinting towards him as he cried out pounded and choking out sobs.
He felt the door swing open as soon as his feet moved out the door a hand gripped onto his hair and threw him down he squinted his eyes as he hit the floor, he heard the door slam and he felt his gut being kicked
"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Sakusa yelled as if he didn't care who heard him.
Atsumu opened his eyes wide to see Sakusa bending down and picking Atsumu up by his shirt starting to lift him up. Sakusa wrapped his arms around Atsumu waist as he dragged him to the bathroom, Atsumu still screaming and sobbing at the top of his lungs
Atsumu squirmed as he screamed and cried.

As soon as Sakusa stepped into the bathroom, he threw Atsumu harshly on the ground.
"I told you. I was going to break. You're. Fucking. Spine. If you tried anything."
Atsumu kept crying softly as he rubbed his back from being thrown on the floor.
"I was going to be nice and let you shower, maybe take a bath. I was being nice before and wanted you to eat. Of course not! You had to be a fucking CUNT AND SCREW EVERYTHING!"
Sakusa was breathing heavily.
Atsumu stood up again only to be knocked back onto the bathtub wall and he slid into the tub, thankfully for him the blanket in the tub kept his butt from being hurt worse.
Atsumu choked from lost of air as he cried harder making it hard for him to breath.

Sakusa leaned in turn on the tub burning hot. He flipped the switch so the tub would fill.
"You're fucking disgusting."
Sakusa knew Atsumu had bathe. He hated germs, he hated messy things. However he wasn't completely repulsed by Atsumu.
He loved how he got scared so easily, not even the woman he killed got scared as easily, the first man he'll get to kill and it's been the funnest.
Atsumu was shaking as he felt the blanket become wet as the tub was filling up with burning hot water. Atsumu whimpered as the water started to touch his skin.
"You were so loud just a second ago..what happened?"
"Your fucking bipolar!"
"There it is. That disgusting attitude."
"Yeah, or maybe I'm just a fucking psycho!~"
"You are."
"Shut the fuck up."
"Then don't tell me to- OW!"
Atsumu got up since the burning of the water was hurting his sensitive skin
"I didn't say to get up."
"Fuck you!"
Sakusa stepped closer to Atsumu, he stepped into the tub, the wet blanket making his feet sink in. He usually took hot baths like scone sweating helps get extra dirt out of the skin. So the water didn't bother him.
"Say it again."
"Gladly. Fuck...You!"
At that moment Atsumu leaned on the wall as his feet were burning in the water, he was scared but it didn't show.
"At least you listened."
Sakusa grabbed onto Atsumu shirt lifting it up as Atsumu asked 'what are you doing?!' He struggled but his shirt still came off, Sakusa then started on Atsumu pants, he struggled to make Sakusa let go off him as he told him to stop but Sakusa didn't, he forced the pants off and pushed Atsumu harshly down into the water, the tub almost filled with burning hot water, Sakusa grabbed Atsumu neck and pulled him to sit up.
Atsumu whined and soft squirmed at the hot water burning his newly bare skin.

"Stop fucking moving."
Sakusa tightened his grip on Atsumu throat, staring deep into his eyes.
"I fucking said, stop. Fucking. Moving..."
Sakusa moved his hand down Atsumu body as Atsumu moved away
"No! screw you!"
Sakusa slipped his thumb to the side of Atsumu boxers, he pulled the side down as Atsumu tried to stop him.
Sakusa didn't listen.
The next thing Atsumu knew he was flipped onto his knees as his head was pushed into the tub, the wet blanket started to wrapped around his head as he was surrounded by burning hot water.

He could hear muffled screams from the surface
Atsumu felt the hot water make his eyes water water and burn his nose, he tried to breath but he couldn't, he was choking and losing air by the second, he blanket started to muffle everything,

Atsumu head was pushed underwater, underneath the faucet to be exact. Hot water hitting the back of his head as his ass was in the air, Sakusa behind him pushing his head deeply against the tub floor, and blanket.


Sakusa lifted Atsumu head up hitting the back of his head on the faucet.


Atsumu was choking, he was blacking out, he was losing air, crying, squirming, he felt like his lungs were throbbing, burning, feeling like we're going to explode, or was it implode? His head was to foggy and numb to even remember.


Sakusa brought Atsumu up for air, his face burning.

Sakusa was pissed, his pants were now wet, and some of his shirt was too. He unwrapped the blanket from atsumu's head, now allowing him to breath completely.
"Did you like that?" He said softly wiping a tear from his cheek.
Atsumu's breath was shaky, and he was too. He felt Sakusa wrap his arms around Atsumu body as he heard the water turn off.
"What was that? We're you gunna say something?"
"G-go fu-...."
"Finish that."
Sakusa held onto Atsumu tighter.
"....let go"
"Let go!"
Sakusa grabbed Atsumu neck and pushed him back under the water, this time he put his own face into the water, his curly black hair getting wet and the bangs and tips. It took a while for Atsumu to understand what was happening, but his head was under water, water ran up his nose...but what's this?

He felt pressure on his lips....was this hot,mystery, killer kissing him?!

To be continued...

OMG! I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS CHAPTER! It was a huge tw but—it's a fucked up story so- sorry- 😛🤚🏼 LOVE YALLL

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