Part 2 where it all begings

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As he hears the knock on his door he yells "I'm busy, what do you want"! Kirishima asks to come in as he has something for him. "Hey bakubro can I come in I have something for you". Bakugou replies still angry but curious too, "sure whatever ". Kirishima walks in blushing because he sees kachan without a shirt "I noticed you threw your shoulder out today during practice, I have some muscle cream for you it'll make you feel better". Angry and flustered because someone realized he got hurt bakugou replies "WHAT I DIDNT THROW MY SHOULDER OUT, WHO THREW THEIR SHOULDER OUT, BECAUSE IT WASNT ME, IM TO GOOD FOR THAT". Kirishima continues in a calming voice "Bakugou it's ok we all get hurt sometimes, even pro heroes get hurt sometimes." as angry as he is, bakugou takes the cream and tries to put it on, he grunts from the pain. Kiri being concerned, he offers to help but is quickly pushed away by bakugou. "Hey what are you doing shitty hair" feeling bad kiri responded "sorry I was trying to help you.. I guess I should have asked first my bad". Bakugou replies in a stern but also kinda upset voice "well if your offering get your ass over here and help, I...I can't do this on my own. BUT DONT TELL ANYONE ". Not trying to show his emotions as much as possible kiri climbs on the bed behind bakugou. As he hands kiri the cream to start putting on his shoulder he can't help but to think to him self, "wow kachan you smell so good".  Half way through he can't help but to wipe a little blood from his nose. ( if you know, you know what I'm talking about). Especially since he let out a few moans and grunts when kiri rubbed over the tender part of his muscle. Kiri can't help but move to the other shoulder and then down his back a little. Bakugou with the sarcastic remark goes "I thought my shoulder was the only thing that got hurt". "Sorry bro". kiri responds blushing. Kachan turns around and says "wow, I didn't know your face could be as red as your hair,... wanna tell me why". "um I.. uh" Kiri said as he frantically stuttered. Bakugou gets up off the bed and walk to the door. kirishima follows him as he thinks he's showing him out. Oh you're not leaving I was just getting up to lock the door. " I could tell you like me based on how fast you were to jump in and help me with my shoulder, and how you rubbed down my back". As kachan walks toward him, kirishima gets nervous and starts to back up. His leg then hits the bed and he falls back onto it. Bakugou then grabs his legs and swings them to wear kirishima is straight on the bed. As he begins to straddle kiri he asks him "are you gonna be a good boy for little teddy bear". As flustered as kiri is he doesn't say anything. Bakugou continues "speechless are we" Kirishima finally finds the courage to respond and asks "what are you doing " kachan replies "I'm just doing what you were thinking about this morning during the test aren't I, I'm doing what you've always wanted, right?" Yeah y- "well  good, because I can't wait to get started. Right before he goes to take kiri's shirt off he stops... "You agree to this right because I'm not having anything on my record if I'm gonna be the number one hero." kiri nods as that the only thing he can do. "That isn't good enough in need you to use your bug boy words teddy bear." Bakugou asks sternly " kiri shakily says "y-yes kachan". As he starts to slowly take kiris shirts off he says "it's yes master, but since you've been a good little boy I'll let it slide." As bakugou lifts kiri up to take his shirt off and says "damn.. you look soooo fucking good." Kiri blushes and kachan comes in closer. Bakugous hands grip kiri's wrists and as he comes in even closer than before their lips gently touch the others. When kiri kissed back both their mouths were open and that's when kachan gently stuck his tongue in. Surprised but also aroused kiri swirls his tongue around bakugou's. Getting a little horny bakugou grunts and starts to kiss down kiri's neck. Leaving a bunch of littles hickeys, Bakugou mumbles against kiris neck in between kisses "The little moans your letting out are so fucking cute teddy bear." Bakugou let's go of his wrist but still props himself above kirishima still kissing him though. He begins to wraps his arms around bakugou but then stops and puts them back down. Bakugou notices and says "why'd you stop I like it when you put your arms around me baby, I promise I won't bite... too hard at least." A few moments later kiri has to let go because kachan is moving downward giving hickeys starting below his ear down to the base of his neck around to the other side of his neck, across both colar bones and in between his pecks. He looks up at kirishima and says "you have to be a good little boy now and not squirm" kiri replies "yes daddy I'll be a good boy for you" as bakugou slides down to kirishima's chest he kisses all around leaving hickeys. Kirishima is curious on what kachan is doing because he has a few kinks that bakugou doesn't know about. As kachan gets done leaving hickeys he starts kissing again but this time it's on kiri's nipple. "Uggh fuck it's hot in here." Bakugou says as he pulls his shirt off. He starts sucking his nipples until they're hard. Kirishima starts to breath heaveier and and moan more. Bakugou looks up with a smirk and asks "oh you like that, you want me to keep going baby " breathily kirishima manages to get out " oh- oh  yes oh please daddy keep going." Bakugou begins to bite his nipples but not too hard as he promised, leaving hickeys on them kiri begins to get hard. Smirking bakugou says "oh what's that I'm feeling, now I'm not sure if that's your quirk or not so you gotta let me check for you baby." Bakugou starts to kiss kiri over his shorts letting out soft moans. While kachan pulls  kiri's shorts down, kirishima lifts his hips up so bakugou can get them off. "Aww look whose being a good boy" bakugou says "and just for that you get to help me take mine off." Kirishima sits up while bakugou is still straddled over him. With his knees pressed against the bed he has kirishima take off his belt off and undo his zipper. Bakugou looks down and asks "you're gonna take it like a good boy right, you'll take it all, because if you don't daddy is going to have to use this on you." Bakugou says as he snaps the belt.

Continue to part 3 ⬇️ this is where bakugou and kirishima get frisky😏

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