Hidden Truth

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Hey everyone who reads this:) this is my first story so take it easy on me okay? and please tell me what you think would be cool, i might use it in my story:D  - chrissy<3

Hi my name is Ashlynn, im 17, and my life is like a poor miserable story. Everyone has heard of Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty and how their lives are so perfect, how they always get their "story book ending" yeah well my story is compleatly different.  Heres how it all started.....


"MOM! Roseline wont leave me alone!!!!"

"Ash, she's only 5 she looks up to you, you should be happy she does."

"Mom... umm i forgot i have to go uhm somewhere"

"Oh where?"

"Away from here! Byeee!!!!"


Phone rings  *Hey is this uhm Ashlynn? Its Jason*

"What the heak, how did Jason get my number?!" Ashlynn thought to herself "Jason is the i dont even knoe how to explain him.. he's a mystery. He's a Hot no a Sexy mess. He keeps to himself yet is very popular, every girl wants him. So why is he texting me?!"

*Uhm yeh its me, why?*

*Oh cool okay, well i was wondering if you wanted to hang out?*

"omg, omg, omg! Play it cool Ash play it cool!"

*Uhh sure i guess*

*Cool meet me by the abandoned mansion*

"Oh no what did i get myself into..."


I paced there in the dark garden waiting for him. Did I miss him at the front gate? Standing here alone kind of gives me the creeps, im kinda scared.

*Close ur eyes*

Well here goes nothing, I close my eyes and i hear something whip past me. The wind stirs and causes the bushes to rustle and leaves to fly.

"Ouch!"  What the hell that hurt! I open my eyes and all I see is blackness. Where am I?!

"Hello... is... is.. is anyone there?"

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