Lesson 6: Don't Make This Harder Than It Already Is

Start from the beginning

"So much happened. He's just... He's amazing. I can't find any words to properly describe him and the experience." Her cheeks blushing and that shyness peeking through her voice. "Oh my God." She said staring past me. I turned around and died.

Mr. Loso

All eyes were on me and I liked it. The room went dead silent as I scanned the room.

"Believe it or not, this whole class has detention. You all know why, so I'm gonna need those asses to get to my classroom-" I've never seen females pack their shit and head out the classroom as fast as I just did.

The funny thing; No Questions Were Even Asked.


We got back to my room and I pulled out each students individual file.

"So y'all know why you're here?" I asked 'em. I looked up at all of 'em and their eyes were stuck on me... I don't blame them.

"All I know is Ivette's a snitch which is why I'm here." Amber said from her corner. "I told her I was coming for that ass and she just thought I was kidding."

"Are you serious? How many times have we told her she needs to just go the fuck away." Chanelle said. I remember Chanelle very well from last week. Her comebacks are what I wanna hear.

"You guys think you just own all these teachers-"

"Banshee I swear to God. Do not make me come over to that side of the classroom. I'm already in detention so it doesn't even matter." Chanelle growled lowly at the one girl, who I believe is Bailey? Yeah that's Bailey.

"Excuse me, but can I go to the bathroom?" Another girl asked me.

"Yeah what's your name?"

"Chelsea." I nodded my head and wrote her name down on a sticky note with the time she left. As Chelsea went out, another student came in.

"Oh my... It's you." She said as her jaw dropped.

"I love that message you're sendin' me right now Mariah." I said with a smirk as I leaned back slightly in my chair. Her mouth closed instantly and I just laughed. "Take a seat at a desk, we got a whole hour in this room."

"Mr. Loso, the cum licking cunt known as Leah wants to know if she can suck your dick-"

"Oh my God Chanelle we're not even talking about him! We're talking about band and what instruments we play!" Leah yelled back.

"Blowing dicks doesn't count as an instrument." Chanelle retorted right back and I just about fell out of my chair laughing. "That's right, shut up."

"Funny how Heather has managed to keep quiet." Amber said.

"I'm too good for this stupid drama. I don't even know why I'm here but I want to leave." She said annoyed. "I'm leaving, my back is starting to hurt, so whatever bitches." She grabbed her things and took her bad self right on out of my room.

I wasn't about to stop her, she looks like she about to burst and I'm not about to deal with amniotic fluid all over my floor, hell no.

I peeped Ajalae staring at me with such a seductive glare... I wanted all that again. As soon as detention's over, I'ma get her again.


I was sitting at my desk going through some tests from my previous class while I sucked on a lollipop that Auburn gave me just before her night class. It was cherry and I was really enjoying this damn flavor, it kinda tasted like her.

My door opened and I didn't care to see who it was. I bet it was Mr. E anyways, so I really didn't care to see his ass.

"Mr.Sarota?" A female voice said. I looked up and stared in confusion.

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