We all made our way to charms and sat together with Madeline in the middle, it went the same as herbology except this time Madeline became our friend

~~~~~time skip~~~~

We sat down at the slytherin table and ate when I noticed that Maddie, which is what we decided to call her, wasn't eating again but this time I didn't ignore her,
"You have to eat something Maddie, you haven't eaten all day" i said and turned to face her completely, for in the short time we talked together she wasn't so horrible and i guessed that's why she became a slytherin, but I didn't mind befriending her, after all she was a pureblood and was in slytherin, so I didn't see why not,
"I'm not hungry" she said looking down, i knew she was still upset but she had to eat to i placed some roasted chicken on her plate and kept persisting that she eat, finally she gave in and ate, and after a few bites her appetite came back and we all ate together, i knew we had to talk to her, so i decided to talk to her with aurora at our dorm when classes are over since we're all in the same room but we had to get rid of that girl, what was her name?...Ella?...bia? Maya? Oh right Mia!

After we finished lunch the bell rang and we went to classes unfortunately Maddie didn't have this class with us nor the one after it, so we just decided to meet back at dinner when the classes are over,

Me and Rue (aurora) arrived at history of magic, which almost all of the students slept through, why? We had a ghost as our teacher, professor binns kept drawling about lessons that i felt my eyes drop, and rue was resting her head of her palm which was propped against the table,

"I think he wants to kill us all of boredom so we can join him" rue whispered to me, I laughed quietly, and waited for the bell, and when it did rue said "finally! Saved by the bell" she breathed out only loud enough for me to hear, I chuckled and pulled my bag,

"So, what's next...transfiguration, uhh I don't want to sit and listen to professors blabbing anymore" rue whined while we walked out, she was so dramatic,
"Believe me no one does, come on we don't wanna be late" i said and pulled rue with me while she continued whining, and when we arrived we saw a few Hufflepuffs sitting, I scanned the room and my eyes laid on some fluffy brown hair, and i knew who he was, a few seats were empty two on the back, one at the front, and two beside the cute hufflepuff boy, rue pulled me to the seats beside Cedric, and before i can pull back she was already sitting on the seat at the left and of the desk, leaving the seat closest to Cedric, I quickly pulled a confident face and sat down, i glanced at Cedric and saw him turning his head, we both locked eyes, he smiled shyly,

"Hi" he said in his soft voice, "hi" i replied, I didn't know what to say and it was kinda awkward, "it was kind what you did for that girl back there" he said starting conversation, and unlike when we where at diagon ally he wanted to talk, kind? No i was just defending my house, nothing to do with kindness,
"I didn't do anything, i just defended my house, that boy deserved it" i said arrogantly, but he didn't seem annoyed, he seemed...amused? "If you say so" he said while chucking lightly,

"Where's the professor?" Asked aurora in exasperation, i shrugged but then i saw a cat sitting on the professor's stand, "what's a cat doing here?" I asked rue "cat?" She asked, I pointed to the cat and she gasped, "it's so cute! I always wanted a cat" i rolled my eyes at her and then instructions magically appeared on the blackboard, so we all took out a piece of parchment and copied and when three boys came running in, the cat jumped and transformed into professor mcgonagall,

everyone gasped, including me, the three boys looked shocked and froze in their place until professor mcgonagall seated them, then as rue called it the "blabbing" began, but she did say some useful and interinsting stuff and i give her some credit for not boring us to death, but i kept stealing glances at cedric and i caught him doing the same, and when the class ended we all left the classroom and went to the great hall since we had free period before dinner, and i told rue about my plan to talk to Madeline in our dorms

We met Maddie there and we all went to our dorms, we said the password and went through the common room all the way to our dorm and checked to see if that brat was there, thankfully she wasn't so we went in and locked the door, Madeline sat on her bed as both me and rue sat facing her on my bed which was beside her,

"Alright! Maddie you have to talk to us! What's wrong!" I said giving her my full attention, she looked down and i saw her body tense up, i stood up and sat beside her rue doing the same,

"I know you're sad because you didn't get into griffindor but you shouldn't, slytherin is a great house with many great witches and wiza-" i stoped talking as she interrupted me,

"It's not that, believe me" she took a deep breath and continued,
"My parents always wanted me to be in griffindor, but I didn't see what was wrong if i got in another house, they said that slytherin was evil but I didn't believe that. My grandmother used to say "It's not the house that define us, it's our actions", bad people can come from other houses, like Sirius black for instance, he was a griffindor right? And i stoped judging people by their house a long time ago, and for another example, that boy today, and both off you, you stood up for me, thank you for that"
I looked at her with a new respect in my eyes, and suddenly she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me, aurora joining soon after,

We went to dinner with lifted spirits, and we ate and talked and laughed, then we all went to our dorms changed, bid each other good night and went to sleep,
And Maddie was happy, she was an only child and her family wasn't so close, her father always busy, her mother going to meetings, that even on Christmas and birthdays they would let her stay with her grandmother who sadly passed away two years ago, so she spends it alone with only an expensive gift to show that they remembered, she said that if they know that she's slytherin they would disown her,

So both me and rue tried to assure her that her parents wouldn't give her up and when it didn't work we promised that we would always be her family, even if not by blood but by a stronger bond

Author's note:~

Hey guys!

So sorry for updating so late, i lack both inspiration and motivation, but I'll keep writing for my devoted readers
I'm going to speed through year one and two and go to year three which is one year before harry comes to hogwarts and start wrecking havoc

Do you have any ideas that you want to say? Or if you want me to make a love triangle comment,

Don't forget to COMMENT and VOTE
thanks for reading and have a wonderful day<3



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