Chapter 5: Fear The Night

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Warning⚠: the author is a piece of shit and wrote emotional shit. They give you the permission to cancel them if you wish. 

The betrayal she felt when her own son had sold her soul to the man she had once loved, to the man she had once adored and found comfort in, the man who had kissed her scars and dried her tears..yet he still is the same man that abuses her every chance he gets, he forces himself inside of her and made her beg, beg for him to stop as her broken body couldn't take anymore beatings and whips. The times she had wished for someone to save her from this misery, from this whole fiasco she had brought upon herself, but no one heard her cries for help, no one heard her prayers, and no one cared enough to answer to them, as she was the one to bring the misfortunes to herself.

Sometimes when she looked at herself in the mirror she'd see a stranger, a stranger with her face yet not her body, the ugly scars and angry red marks left behind are like a map, some of the symbols craved on her skin the hints for the treasure, and the Mark on the side of her chest or should I say her heart? Is the real treasure...the Mark of Cain...doomed with immortality.
She would look at herself in shame, disgust, as her body didn't look like her own anymore. Her porcelain skin ruined, her once vibrant blue eyes dull, rope burns on her neck , wrists and ankles, and all of this happened from one simple mistake..

"Promise me something mother.." Whispered her son as his chest heaved with coughs, blood coming out of his mouth.

"Anything...anything Nick but please don't leave me...don't leave me all alone honey please...I beg you mama.." She spoke softly as tears streamed down her face. Her hands covered in her son's blood , one holding his head while the other put pressure on the wound.

"Can you- Can you sing the lullaby one last time..please-" His voice not above a whisper as he coughed.

"I'll sing it to you every night but please Nicholas..PLEASE I BEG YOU DON'T LEAVE ME" Her voice cracked with each word. Nicholas looked at his mother and forced a small smile as he held onto his mother's hand.

"Sing...please mama..."  His voice pleading. Shutting her eyes close she caressed his head, humming the old lullaby " forgive me..." he mumbled weakly before his eyes slowly began to shut close and he took his last breath...

Finishing the lullaby she opened her eyes to find him dead in her arms, hand weakly clutching hers. "Nicholas? Nicholas your eyes..please honey i beg you please..I forgive you. I forgive you Nicholas now wake up.. WAKE UP PLEASE! I FORGIVE YOU NICHOLAS PLEASE WAKE UP!.....wake up..." She sobbed as she cradled his body closer to her, head burried in his chest as she cried...


"Alright put her on the couch Vision. Okay okay uhm..I need the first aid kit! COME ON FASTER FASTER!!" Ordered Darcy as she cut open the bloodied blouse and began checking up on her wounds.

"What even caused it you can't start bleeding suddenly- Can you?" Asked her Wanda as she tried to keep her voice steady.

"Well..since you and her were kind of fighting for some reasons..I think when you went into her mind it kind of messed up her powers and the flashbacks were one of torture which caused her skin to dry out and old scars to open...just like now." Said Darcy as she took the first aid-kit from Monica and took out the rubbing alcohol and a few cotton balls.

"What were you even fighting about Wanda?" Asked her Vision as he took her aside.

"Nothing important Vis..just some witch laws and stuff don't worry." She spoke tone harsh as she tried to walk away but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him.

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