Chapter 22: Love Is A Bonus

Start from the beginning

You looked good- to say the least. But the outfit you wore made him wonder what his own would look like. After all, how did a partnered photoshoot even work?!

"This is the changeroom," You spoke aloud, walking into a room as you were met with bright lights and a plain, red wall, the room filled with different outfits and desks with makeup and accessories all about. You walked towards one of the desks, reading the tag before continuing, "And this is your outfit."

"Thanks," He nodded, taking the clothing from your hands as you handed him the outfit, which he quickly glanced over, "... I'm wearing this?"

It was a plain white shirt, black dress pants and black shoes.

"And the final piece that brings it all together," You turned around, taking another trench coat off of the rack and handing it to him, "Is this."

"Are we promoting trench coats or something?"

"Mmhm," You replied, "Sorry if you don't like black. It's the only colour they had."

"It's fine," He shrugged as you began walking out of the room.

"Then come back to the studio after you change."


"Perfect, you two!" The photographer grinned, flicking through the photos in her camera, "Let's take a quick lunch break?"

"Sure," You nodded, "Be back in an hour?"

"Sounds good to me," She reached for her bag before walking to the elevator and going down a few levels, as you and Osamu followed after her. The ride was filled with small talk before the woman got down on one of the lower floors, you reached the main floor. Turning to face Osamu, you spoke.

"Wanna go to the nearby café with me?"


"But I might as well mention...," You slightly mumbled before turning away from him, "I just mean it in like a friendly way. Nothing else. I promise."

".... I know," Osamu hesitantly replied, "But sure. Let's go."

Walking outside, Osamu walked beside you as you glanced down at your phone. A black car pulled up before you, and you got into the back seat where Osamu went on the other side.

"Where to, (L.Name)?"

"The café a few blocks from here," You replied and he nodded, starting to drive as Osamu looked over at you.

"Should we really be going to a café in these?"

"I do it all the time," You blinked, "But just leave the trench in here, then."


The steam of your caffeinated drink slowly rose into the air as you sat across from Osamu, your phone in hand as you scrolled through social media, seeing that there was nothing better to do.

Osamu on the other hand nervously bit at the inside of his cheek as he stared down hard at the coffee in his hands.

"Why are you staring at the coffee like it threatened to kill you?"

The joking comment was suddenly said, slightly catching the grey haired male off guard as he looked up to face you. You took a sip of your drink, your phone now placed face down on the table.

"Was I?" He slightly chuckled, "My bad."


"I was just wondering," He spoke up, the words coming out slowly and carefully, "About... Thursday."

Your face threatened to grimace at the mention, but you refused to let it do so.

"What about?"

"I never really got the chance to explain myself."

"You don't have to explain yourself," You grumbled, picking up your phone again and simply staring at it to avoid making eye contact with the male, "I already got it."

"But you don't," He replied shortly, a brow quirked as he spoke.

"What do you mean?"

"I..." His breathing hitchened, "I like you. I have for a while now."

"... Okay?"

"But I just can't. For personal reasons."

"Personal reasons?" You almost scoffed at the words, "I doubt you'd tell me, huh?"

Osamu remained silent, avoiding the question before he changed the topic. "Ya know, I thought you'd be more mad."

"I was never mad," You replied, turning away from him to glance out the window, "I was more... upset. You confused me. Your words said one thing, but then your actions say another. To be honest, I'm still a bit stuck up on it."

"I see...."

"But....," You leaned back in your chair, taking a sip of your drink. The air around the table grew cold as your gaze remained fixed on the contents of your cup. "I didn't come to Japan to find love or whatever this is. I came here for a job, so maybe I should be thanking you."

The words rolled off your tongue, and Osamu was hesitant to continue talking. "And... if ya did, by chance end up finding 'love or whatever'...?"

"Then I guess that's just a bonus."

Osamu remained silent at your words.

"But, there's no point in getting mad over any of it," You rested your chin into the palm of your hand, "Let's just move past it?"

"... Let's."

Osamu recalled when others had confessed to him in the past and he had to reject them- they didn't get over it. They refused to look at him, and one even broke into tears at the sight of him.

You on the other hand sat there in front of him, willingly talking to him and inviting him to go with you.

From a third person's point of view, you looked fine.

But Osamu could see past the facade, and frowned as he recognized the melancholy expression that lingered on your face.

Wait (Miya Atsumu x Male!Reader x Miya Osamu)Where stories live. Discover now