Chapter 1: The Begining

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A loud crash abruptly ended the peace of the day. It was immediately followed by the power going out. The thumping that everyone was used to suddenly accelerated extremely quickly only to for it to drop to barely audible.

Niki, startled, stumbled out of her room. "What happened?"

Technoblade had also made his way out of his room. "I'm not sure but it wasn't good."

"Obviously." Another voice came from behind Niki.

"Tommy! This is not the time for your sarcasm." Technoblade scolded him.

"Whatever happened needs to be fixed. So we can't be fighting." PhilZa said approaching from farther down the hallway.

Wilbur finally had made it out of his room. "What the hell was that?"

"Language!" BadBoyHalo exclaimed, irritated with Skeppy consistently moving in his scarf.

"Stop fighting you guys!  Like Phil said we need to work together." Eret approached, lighting up the room with his flashlight like eyes.

"Oh my-! Eret! You can't sneak up on me like that you'll kill me!"

"'Cause you're an old man." Wil said sarcastically.

"Let's move to the common room." Techno said, as more of a command than a suggestion.

They had reached the common room. Skeppy used his ability, immediately illuminating the room in its whole. Bad, noticing something, spoke up.

"Are you guys heart rates dropping as well?"

Everyone mumbled agreements. Everyone looked at Skeppy as he said "look at that. Do we pull it?"

"Why in the fucking hell are you yelling while I am trying to take a goddamn nap?" Someone yelled from a distance in the direction of where Skeppy was pointing.

"Language!" Was the only response, of course shouted loud enough for the strange disembodied voice to hear. Everyone else was dead silent, all seemingly having an existential crisis over what had just taken place.

"Who the fuck was that?" Almost everyone said unanimously.

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