8. What Is Family Without Love

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"Did it happen? Did it work?" Gabriel asked eagerly waiting for the test to come out positive. "I'm not sure yet Gabe honey, it's not quite clear if it's positive or not." The stick read the word Negative on it which put a down mood on Lyndsay. "No." She sat there close to crying. "Aww, don't worry baby, we will have one we'll just have to keep trying." Gabe said while rubbing his hand on Lyndsay's back. 

"I just don't wanna wait much longer." She said in tears. "I know my love, I know. We can try again tonight." Gabriel said giving her a kiss on the cheek. He left the room with his head down letting the family know that it wasn't positive. "Well, maybe some day Gabe boy." Said Charles. 

"She's pretty sad over this." Gabe said as he got a glass of ice cold tea since it was hot out by this time. "We are gonna keep trying." He said. Tommy and Jimmy were upstairs taking their nap with Mary. She was pretty beat and needed to rest so she did with the boys. 

"Well, it'll happen Gabe just be patient son." Noah said with hand around his son's shoulders. "Thanks dad, I'm gonna go and feed the chickens I'll be write back." Gabriel left the house to feed the chickens all the while he was feeling awful for Lyndsay. He knew what he had to do. He was gonna make tonight special for him and Lyndsay. He was gonna get the shed out back all set up for the two of them. He came back inside to talk to his dad. "Dad is that shed fixed up for people to stay in?" He asked. "Yes son, why?" Noah said while playing cards with Charles.

"Well, I want to take Lyndsay there tonight. We will stay there for the night. I think she needs some air out of this house for a bit." Noah thought on it for a moment then he realized what his son was getting at. "Oh alright." Gabriel went upstairs to see Lyndsay coming out of the shower. "Hey I need you to sit down so we can talk." Gabriel said patting the spot next to him on the bed. 

Lyndsay sat down next to him. "Yes?" She asked. "I need you to pack up some blankets and pillows tonight, cause I am gonna take you somewhere and bring some change of clothes." Gabriel didn't say much after as he got the truck loaded up with some food, water and some candles but he also had a small radio to play some music to help set the mood. Lyndsay had their blankets and pillows ready. Gabriel helped her load up the truck and they said their good byes to Noah and Charles. "Mary is here so she'll take care of the cooking and cleaning." Noah said smiling. 

Gabriel drove him and Lyndsay just up the road where the shed was. It was pretty decent and it had running water and lights. It just needed some dusting but other than that they were good to go. "What's going on Gabe?" Lyndsay asked excited. "It's a surprise. Stay in the truck and do not get out." He spoke getting their food, toilet paper and water inside the shed. He then got the bed all set up and a fire going to warm some things up. 

He came for Lyndsay when all their things were inside. He carried her bridal style inside the shed showing her the whole thing. A bed was in the middle of the room with a fire place going. A small kitchen and living room. Gabriel took her over to the bed but wanted to take his time with her. He poured him and Lyndsay some wine. "Gabe? Where did you?" She was cut off. "I stole it, Dad had some he has more bottles so I stashed this." He said laughing. Him and Lyndsay both had a glass of wine and some dinner of meat, and vegetables. Gabriel then turned on the radio to find some music. He finally found what sounded like love tunes and he played that. 

He took Lyndsay's hand and they both began to dance in slow motion, and just danced with Lyndsay's laying her head on Gabriel's chest. They were both dancing and enjoying being in each other's arms. Gabriel leaned down to kiss Lyndsay. She kissed him back, the kiss deepened to the point where Gabriel picked her up carrying her over to the bed laying her down with him crawling on top of her. The night ended with the two of them making hot passionate love in the shed. "I wanna name our son Davey." Lyndsay laughed, Gabriel laughed back. "Well, I kinda like Theodore." "I like Jared." The two laughed and discussed names later on into the night till they both finally fell asleep. 

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