Prologue: The shield, The shovel, & The spade

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          The knight didn't get much sleep that night as he had been keeping an eye on this stranger. After cleaning away the dirt and dried blood from this woman's head, the knight had taken some torn cloth and made a make-shift bandage to clot the blood flow as the cut wasn't in need of stitching. He'd watch over this stranger as she slept in his partner's old cot, her chest rising and falling with each breath she'd take in her unconscious state.

    At some point he'd must have dozed off, for when he'd awaken the rays of sunlight would be peeking through the rafters, that or the sounds of someone shifting themselves over would've done it. Either ways, the knight, rubbing his eyes free from the sleep that had taken over him, would turn to look towards the strange girl who'd seemingly began to stir. In a bit of panic he'd hurringly place his helmet back over his head before this woman had fully risen. 

   The girl before him would let out a low groan as she'd slowly open her eyes, trying to rise up but to little success as she'd grab at her head. "Easy now. You don't want that head wound to reopen, miss." He'd say in a somewhat raspy voice, not used to talking to someone else for quite a while. The lady had turned to look at him, rubbing her groggy eyes. "..." She didn't seem to speak. Rather, she had decided to look down at her hands, still covered in scrapes and bruises, and began to examine them. He doesn't know what's going on through her mind right now, she could be thinking of anything; where she was or who was this old knight that took her in, there was many possibilities. "Miss, do you know how you got those injuries?" He'd ask lightly, to which she responded with something off. "I don't know... One minute I remember running from shadows in the woods, the next..." She'd grab her head, wincing as her fingers traced over the spot where the wound graced itself.


 "Y-yes, eight of them..."

    "Did these 'shadows' have any features to them?" Shovel knight asks, worried as this might have been her attackers, but her state of panic might have interpreted them as shadows rather than people. The peasant girl, taking the fringed end of her dress and rubbing it between her fingers closes her eyes, furrowing her brow slightly. "...I think one of them had a beak... another had no legs... one a giant... another a crown..." she'd murmur, these shapes that had taken image in her mind just brought up a feeling of pain where the injury lies. "That doesn't sound good... can you recall anything else?"

"... One spoke enchantress..."

        After the peasant girl had shared everything that she could, the older knight had placed a hand over where his temples would be over his helmet. "So it would seem that the rumors are true..." He'd catch the peasant girl make a sound of confusion, to which he'd look up at her again. "Apparently there had been some rumors going around from travelers that an Enchantress has made herself an army of knights from across the land, I didn't expect the rumors to be true, but it would seem that you proved me wrong, miss..." He stopped, seeming as though something important crossed his mind. "Pardon me for being so impolite, miss. I'm Shovel knight. What is your name?" Looking up at the man in blue armor, the peasant girl would raise a brow. "My name...? My name..." From the look upon her face, it seems as though the accident might have knocked away her memory, and her name along with it. "Hey, it's alright if you cannot recall it now. Would you prefer a nickname for the time being?" With that she'd nod slowly, slightly winching from the head movement. "Alright, is there one you'd like to be called for now?"

    She'd look around the room in search for inspiration, eyes flying over miscellaneous objects and whatever else was present. Shovel Knight would keep a watch on her as she thinks, till he noticed she had her eyes on his trusty shovel. "Ah, I don't think this old shovel would bring much in terms of a nickname, miss. But I do have a spare tool around if you want." Getting to his feet he'd walk over to a side table covered in dusty tools and old bottles. "I hope this might help some."

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