Josie looked into Eriks eyes, his jaw clenching. This was their final match of wills. None of them would turn from this one a victor. It was Erik who broke the match as he motioned for Moira to come and take his place at Charles's side. She was immediate in her apologies, immediate in making sure both he and Josie were okay.

The world picked up its pace as Erik looked to the others, the question of loyalty and a pretty speech surrounding them. In the end, only Raven and Shaw's lackeys joined Erik. They joined hands as Josie walked over to Alex, his hand finding hers to let her know he was there for her should she need him.

Erik Lensherr and Josephine March held each others gaze up until the very moment he nodded and the group disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Only then did Josie let her exhaustion take over as she collapsed in Alex's arms. Only then did she allow her body to stain the deepest shade of grey anyone had ever seen.

She resembled the bullet that had been dislodged from Charles' spine; crumpled up, tossed into the sand as if it was meant to be disfigured, as if it was meant to be left behind in a broken heap.

~<x>~ ~<x>~ ~<x>~

Josie pushed Charles in his new wheelchair Hank had made for him around the grounds of the X-Mens new home. The pair were mostly silent as there was much to reflect on for them respectively.

Moira had just been sent off with no memory of her time with the mutants just the notion that Josie was now a former CIA agent. There was still no word from Erik or Raven. All the pair could do was hope they were still alive and well somewhere.

"Josephine, there's something I want to ask you." Josie stopped walking so she could crouch at his side and look at him. He smiled at her and looked off at his home while she looked at the satellite ahead of them, her fingers rippling.

Charles looked down and took her hand within his own, "Will you stay here with me and the others? Help me bring all of the young mutants we can find home? You can teach. I'll need help keeping them all in line."

"Of course. We've only got each other now. You can always count on me."

The pair smiled at one another and Josie squeezed his hand as she stood before releasing it with a sigh. Charles looked up at her, followed her gaze to the satellite in the distance. He let out his own sigh at the thought of Erik.

"Do you know what he said to me just before we left to go to the hangar that morning?" Josie smiled softly at the memory from just a few days before.

Charles looked down at his lap, "Yes but tell me anyway."

Josie put one hand at the back of Charles's wheelchair while the other met her hip as she leant on it. She looked down, willing the glassiness to fade from her vision. "He had smiled at me, took my hand and whispered 'du bist ein Kunstwerk, Perle'."

Charles let his mouth fall into a frown when he heard her start to cry.

"He called me a work of art, a pearl. I don't know if he meant for me to understand him as I hadn't told him I spoke German. He had scared the living shit out of me when he pounded at my door so early in the morning. I hadn't had enough time to push the colors to my fingers before going to see the poor soul knocking at my door. I had never been called either of those things and when he did it..." she trailed off

Charles watched as she shook her head and let out an exasperated chuckle, "It doesn't matter now. I'm sorry for my outburst, it was selfish. We're both mourning."

"No, Josephine. It wasn't. Thank you for telling me. I know how much he meant to you, Moira too. You can always talk to me, you know."

Josie smiled to herself, "I hope you know you can do the same, Charles."

He turned to look at her with a warm smile. They continued their walk to Alex and Hank who were talking together amicably. Alex let out a bellowing laugh and Josie couldn't help but smile. Their little family would make it through this, together.

As they joined the others Alex slung an arm around Josie's shoulders as they all engaged in conversation. Looking back at the satellite, Josie had a feeling nagging at her gut that that day on the beach wouldn't be the last they would see of Raven and Erik. Not when she was so hell bent on tracking them down and convincing them to come home.

That, however, was for another day. For now, Josie would cherish every moment she had with those she had left and those they were going to bring into the school. Besides, who knew what life might throw at them next.

The end of part one!!

thank you to everyone who has voted, commented, and read this book up to right now. Josie's story has been one I have been trying for a long time to tell. I am currently working on part two and will hopefully have it up soon. I can't wait to continue with this story in another three parts that will hopefully be just as entertaining to you all as this first part seems to have been!! :))

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