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Edit for this: Contains slight spoilers for "The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck" in this a/n

Hehehehe‐ Uncle Poe content, bitches– The fluffy twink goth Uncle that I didn't know I needed-

Art above is by me. I know I don't usually share art on here, that's on my Instagram, but it was relevant to this- Not related completely, but it's Poe– kdhsjs

Anyways, takes place in current time, maybe a bit of the future past the finale? (The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck hasn't even aired at the time of writing this–) Honestly, I dunno when this takes place, I'll figure it out as this goes on-

I'll be really bummed if the "Poe was turned into the staff/amulet" theory is true, cause then we wouldn't get these moments–

So, a quick summary of how I think the magic works- This probably isn't gonna be accurate, and writing this as of 3/6/21 explains as to why, but this is my theory at least. Magica can siphon magic from Poe by holding his hand, the same way Lena does with Webby and/or Violet and the triplets. Magica ended up stabbing Poe in the back and siphoning all his magic out, the pure essence creating the Ancient Sumerian amulet/staff we know today. Poe was left for dead while Magica fled from the village (the same one from the teaser clip and the one I think caused Blot's seething hate for Magica), but the De Spell brother survived because he was spared. That's to say, he didn't go unpunished, but he was spared because he spared so many lives from Magica's wrath.

That's about it. I might be terribly wrong on what happened, but oh well-

EDIT: Lmao she just took his fuckin gem– I guess I'm not entirely wrong– That's one way to strip him of his magic, even if unintentionally–

"Hey Lena? There's a man here looking for you!" Ty called out.

An annoyed groan was heard. "If he's large, in an all black cloak, has a gauntlet, and says he's seeking revenge for what Magica did to his village way before I even existed, tell him to fuck off!" Lena called back.

"One, language! Two, only one of those apply, and only partially...! It's a black tailcoat!" Ty responded.

"Well in that case, I'll be down in a minute...!" Lena shot back.

Slowly, the child of the shadows got up, combing her fingers through her hair swiftly to put it back in it's place. 'Who could be looking for me that wears a tailcoat? I know those villains always wanna look proper and fancy, but who the hell wears tailcoats normally these years?' Lena thought as she got up. 'Timetraveler? Nah, they'd be looking for Scrooge, not me. Unless I did something in the future and for some reason tailcoats are casual wear? In that case, not this Lena's fault.' She wondered.

She walked out into the entry hall, seeing Ty standing there chatting with the mystery man. "What's up?" She asked.

Ty paused his conversation and looked at his daughter, making sure Lena couldn't see who was outside. "Lena, I know you aren't that fond of your previous family–"

Lena cut him off. "Nope, I'm not doing this. Tell whoever he is to leave...! I don't care if he's my strange uncle twice removed or something cause family is strange as fuck as I've learned with Clan McDucks, I'm not facing a De Spell...!" She hissed out, backing away from the front door.

Ty awkwardly chuckled. "He's uh... Her brother..." He said quietly.

Lena paused. "Magica has a brother?!" She yelled out.

"She's... She's never mentioned me... Of course...! She took my powers and erased me from the family picture...?! Well two can play at that game...!" The angry drake outside sputtered out.

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