chapter 1du

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Litanane roam the long and empty corridors of the large mansion. She had her sword with her and a torch in hand. She spotted another sort of light at the end of the corridor. She walked a little faster. When she reached the end of the hallway, she bumped into a man.

"Sorry i was not looking", said Litanane as she rubbed her head. When she glanced at the man, she was shocked. "why are you golden?" she asked with a small smile on her lips. "Why are you silver?", the golden man asked her the same question. "Sorry madame. Ellos, my name is Stephano", said Stephano with a smile. "Hello, my name is litanane" she replied and shook hands with him. "I was looking for a guy that has a girly scream. Have you seen him, madame?" he asked looking around. "No, but i did hear some girly screams. Do you want me to come with you?" She said and sheathed her sword away in it's container that was tied on her waist. He nodded and headed to another long corridor.

They both yelp when they heard the girly scream again. "That must be him, follow me!" Litnane nodded at him and followed him into a room. "GOD DA-NM TELEPORTING NAKED GUYS!" They saw a man carrying a lantern. He had dirty blonde hair and headphones on. "DAMMIT! WHERE IS STEPHANO?" He said in a sad tone. but then Stephano walked in the room. "Ellos Pewdie." he said with an 'what the heck were you doing' face.

"STEPHANO!" He said said and jumped on him. "Pewdie stop being such a pussy sometimes..."

Litanane stepped inside the room."hi." she said with a smile."OOH is this your girlfriend STE-" he was cut off being smacked in the back of his head. When Litanane glanced at Stephano he looked like he was gana kill him."Pewdie you retarded hyena shut up!" he scowled him. Was he blushing.

She laughed." anyways Stephano can we just go?" he asked rubbing his head and headed out the door only to bump into another guy. When Pewdie looked up he saw a man wearing an mask. He waved his hand and said "hi pewds." he said "CRRRRRYYYYY!!!!" said pewdie and gave him an man hug. "madame that''s cry, pewdie's friend." Stephano explained when she looked confused at the two men.

" TO NARNIA!!" the two of them yelled and ran to the exit.

time skip they were out of the mansion.

they were gretted with the fresh breeze of the ocean and the noise of splashing waves. "Swim!!!!" said cry and ran to the ocean who was followed by pewds. As they ran they removed there shirts and jumped to the ocean. Stephano and Litanane soon followed the two men. Stephano removed his arabic shirt and jumped in the ocean, while Litanane sat at the edge of the dock.

She soon removed her outside shirt leaving her with only her thin silver shirt with a bra inside. SHE she stared at the beautifull blue cloud-less sky. She was then disturped by a hand pulling her down to the water. When she looked at who's hand it was she saw it belonged to Cry. "hi friend" he said with his mask still on. wtf? she splashed his mask with water. She swam underwater leaving her long silver hair to flow. She emerged from the water to breath. She sat at the dock again panting. She was then stared at the three men splashing water at each other. They looked like children who was playing in the water.


hello sorry for the cliff hanger but this is the only time i have.

see you in chapter 2!!!!!


STEPHANO X OC LITANANE {ON HOLD}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum