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Hannah Lee

Age: 16

About: Hannah Lee is an elf. She grew up in a forest, being raised by animals. She's the adventurous type and loves getting into mischief.  

Power: Can understand animals and act like one.

Background: There was a bang like a gunshot and a little girl was thrown into the streets. Tears streaming down her face, she ran towards a forest in the corner of the street and fell down onto a tree stump. There was a howl..a wolf was near by...

Fala Abernathy

Age: 17

About: Fala Abernathy is a shadow demon. She lurked in the shadows of a forest for 16 years, appearing only to people who screamed into the shadows disturbing her plot for revenge. She's the mysterious type and loves to be left alone.

Power: Can shrink into the shadows and make people only be able to see her red eyes.

Background: There was a crack and a lightning bolt shot into the sky. A pair of red eyes sparked the night and a there was a distant rustle of leaves. A shadow demon had been born...

Ryuu Barringer

Age: 17

About: Ryuu Barringer is the only human with powers. He grew up in a family of criminals and prefers dark, enclosed spaces.

Powers: He can harm people without touching them.

Background: There was the sound of a door being blast open and loud thuds made there way upstairs. A hand groped around the door and the two people dropped down dead. Blood dripped from their mouth's as the footsteps grew more distant. 

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