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The next day I woke up because somebody bent over my bed. A bit shocked I squeaked. Until I realized that it was Laura. She laughed. "Surprise!", she said, "I'm sorry, I couldn't come over often lately. And today I only have like 30 minutes as well in this early hour, but I felt a bit guilty leaving you all alone here. But I reckon you have good company here? Who is handsome-guy over there?" I suddenly got aware from the barely audible snoring on my right side. I had to smile. He seemed to have a good sleep. "Meet Peter", I explained, "He fell down some stairs and has to stay for a while. Corie thought we might get along." "And?" "And it seems like she's right. I mean, I only know him one day, but it was fun yesterday." The snoring got a bit louder. We looked at each other and laughed. "Anyways, I brought you something", Laura continued. She held a little Quokka-plushie up so that I could see it. "Didn't you lately say something about that Idol that resembles a Quokka?" "Han, yes. Can't imagine you remember", I said amazed as I took it out of her hands. "Of course!", she said jokingly upset, "I am good at listening, you know?" I chuckled: "Right. How could I forget?" "Exactly. Now, with this you will have company even when I am not around. With this and Mister handsome-even-when-snoring over there." I grinned: "Thank you. I love it." We continued to talk but soon Laura had to depart again and the room went silent once more. Apart from the snoring. I felt the boredom come up again. I didn't dare to weak up Peter, so I sighed and surrendered to staring at the ceiling again.

"Are you awake?", I suddenly heard and almost flinched. If I could have, anyways. Finally, Peter had woken up. "Since forever", I answered, "How did you sleep?" "Ok. And you?" "Quite well. Thanks for... singing me to sleep yesterday. It was a beautiful song; how is it called?" "Half moon." "I really like it. And you have a beautiful voice." "Thanks." We were silent for a while. "That is actually kinda not fair", I heard him say. "What?" "You heard me sing. Now it's your turn." "What?" I had to laugh and continued: "How do you assume I can sing?" "Your voice sounds like it." I was a bit surprised at his answer and confessed: "Well, whatever tells you this, you're actually right. I used to sing in different choirs and I would say I am not too bad at it." "So?" I hesitated one more second but then started. After I ended Peter was quiet for some seconds. But then he said, clearly in amazement: "Wow." I blushed. "Thanks."

I felt flustered and didn't know what to say. Without noticing I fiddled around with the plushie I still held in my hands. "Hey, what do you have there?", I heard Peter's voice. "Ah, nothing special", I answered, relieved at the topic change, "Just a little present I got from my friend today morning." "Today? How did I not notice?" "You were sound asleep over there." "Oh... What is it?" "A...", I felt a little shy saying it out loud. "Yes?", he encouraged me. "A Quokka-Plushie...?" "Now, that is new. How so?" I took a deep breath. This must sound so weird. "I recently stumbled across a new group I like", I started hesitatingly, "You probably don't know them. Long story short, one of the member's nickname is Quokka. Laura, my friend, knew that it would be funny to give me this plushie therefore, since she can't be around a lot lately." Peter was silent for some seconds but then said: "Quokkas are nocturnal herbivores." I was confused: "Aha...?" "National Geography taught me." "I see..." After another pause, he asked: "Which group?" I closed my eyes and tried to supress the upcoming awkwardness: "Stray Kids..." Again, it took him some time to answer: "They are quite good." I opened my eyes again. "You know them?", I asked back, surprised. "I actually like them." I chuckled. "And you are talking about Han, don't you?", he continued. "Yep." "Do you like him? Is he your bias?" "Well, like I said, I barely know them by now but I... I guess. Why?" "Just wondering. Do you think he looks good?" "Uh... Whatever the reason of your curiosity is – actually yes." "I see." "What? Jealous?", I laughed. "Maybe", he answered, causing me to blush. Right that moment Corie came in.

After eating the lunch Corie brought us, we continued to about this and that. And like this the days went by. We laughed, ate, shared our food and sometimes even sang together. It was all kind of the same every day but it felt different all along as well. One day Peter confessed that he was really relieved to have me as a roommate. "I like you", he said, "And since my mem- my friends can't come visit me because they are back in Seoul already, I have at least you by my side." I blushed at his words.

But the day came when Corie told us that Peter would have recovered enough to be released. He still had to stick to the wheelchair though. We were both sad. Before he left, he commanded Corie over to my bed. "You know, last night I made a little something while you slept." Into my clear eyesight a weird construction came. Before I could ask, he continued: "Could you hand me over your phone? Unlocked?" "Why?", I smiled curiously but already reached out to it. I entered the password and handed it over to him. It took him quite a while but then he suddenly asked: "You like nature, right?" "Well yes", I replied and sensed that he put my smartphone on the bedside table, the wondrous construction on top of it. I tried to ignore Corie's knowing smile. Suddenly I saw a landscape on the ceiling. "It's kind of like a beamer for your smartphone", Peter explained, laughing at my confused face. Somewhat moved by this, I whispered in awe: "Thank you so much!" He took my hand and squeezed it: "Against boredom without me. But if even that doesn't help anymore: I was so nice as to save my number on your phone. Text me whenever." I laughed: "I will just pretend that that's a normal behaviour." He laughed along and then, to my surprise, blew a shy kiss on my hand. "Get well soon. Goodbye, Katy." I tried to look not too sad as I replied: "Goodbye." He let go off my hand again and Corie wheeled him out. I sighed. Alone again. Yay.

Two Quokkas in Neverland (SKZ's Han Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now