Ch.39 - Altercation

Start from the beginning

"Me? Making things difficult, for you? You literally cut my face open! And he tried to strangle me! If I'm the one making things difficult, you're making everything impossible." Senshi breathed out in rage.

Senshi's mother was going in to slap her again, though this time it was with the woman's right hand, and not her left. Senshi grabbed her wrist, and twisted it, pushing the woman away. It was only then that Aizawa-sensei began to walk over.

"Come and talk to me when you both have stopped being children, after all, mom, as a teacher you should know that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." Senshi stated, taking out her hearing aids and walking away.

Katsuki was doing his absolute best to contain his laughter, the absolute power move that was taking out her hearing aids seemed to cause Kaminari to say something; which resulted in his mom smacking him around the head.

The girl put her hearing aids in her small skirt pocket whilst picking up Tsuki and walking off to her dorm. The common room was dead silent after that, Aizawa-sensei sternly forcing her parents out of UA's campus (and quite possibly forever).

After that, it was rather hard to have a fluid conversation.


Senshi walked swiftly to her dorm roof, wiping away the tears she seemed to have accumulated with her left hand as her right was holding a purring cat. Why was she even crying? They literally made her bleed and tried to strangle her! The girl was trying so desperately to convince herself that she was being irrational by crying, that's like crying tears of sadness because someone isn't going to kill you. 

But this wasn't death, it was a simple goodbye. We cry at goodbyes because we know the person leaving won't be the same as the person coming back. And that slightly scared Senshi, they left as bad people, but would they repent? Or would they only get worse?

Such a pretty colour, if only the mesmerising colour of blood hadn't become so normally mundane by now. Her cheek was still bleeding profusely and dripping onto her shirt and covering her face, within a few minutes it had become normal.

The girl pushed open her door and put Tsuki down on the floor so Senshi wouldn't get any blood on his pristine grey fur. Senshi rapidly pulled out some shorts and a T-shirt and sauntered into her bathroom.

The girl placed her clothes on the counter, and then used her hands to support herself on the counter, her arms straight. She looked at her bloodied face in the mirror, her crimson blood mixing with her salty tears in a mesmerising swirl. It almost made her want to never stop.

The girl took a deep breath in, her chest faltering as her sobs continued to possess her body. It was only that the girl realised how light headed she was, and she knew it stemmed from the blood loss she had sustained. The girl placed a wet towel to her face as Tsuki strolled in, his own little pair of blue eyes looking curiously. 

The girl with blurred vision managed to put her hearing aids back in, hearing nothing became too loud after a while. The girl's cries were guttural, yet almost silent at the same times, her breathing and sniffles being the only sound of noise from the girl. It was rather alarming how the girl knew how to cry so silently, but it did come in handy sometimes.

Senshi slid to the floor, her eyes red and puffy as a white towel collected the cardinal colour of her blood seeping onto the cloud white towel. It would definitely stain, but that wasn't her concern as of now, she didn't want to be alone, but she didn't want to talk to most people.

Once Senshi was sure that the bleeding had stopped (that was only a few minutes as most of the bleeding had occurred down in the common area) she pulled out her phone shakily and opened the phone app and clicked on one of her favourited contacts, and rang the phone.

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