A will to live (exe. file not found)

275 19 13

tw// suicide attempt, mention of physical and mental abuse, suicidal thoughts

seungcheol slowly opened his eyes as he adjusted to the bright light.

"you're awake" a voice beside him said.

Seungcheol only kept his gaze up already knowing the owner of the voice.

"why did you help me?" he asked not bothering to even greet the said male.

Jeonghan only sighed.

"my kid found you and called for help" he answered.

"still you could've pulled the dextrose of something" seungcheol reasoned placing his arm to cover his eyes.

"I'll go to jail and I can't do that now that I have people under my wing"

Seungcheol sighed again.

"this is why we broke up" he mumbled sitting up looking at the male who wore a suit his coat hanging from his shoulders.

Handsome as ever.

"can you leave me for a few seconds?" he asked.

Jeonghan nodded "maximum of 30 seconds" he said before leaving closing the door behind him.

Jeonghan leaned on the hospital walls sighing as he counted on his head.

Seungcheol was right.

He had the power to kill him without people knowing, yet why didn't he.

Jeonghan knows he isn't close enough with Christian to actually care about his feelings but why can't he?



He mumbled as he got ready to open the door.


He was greeted by seungcheol sitting on the edge of the window getting ready to jump.

Frozen to the ground, seungcheol looked at him before winking shooting a playful smirk before leaning onto the window getting ready to fall.

"SEUNGCHEOL—" jeonghan shouted as he tried to grab the male but seungcheol already jumped.

"SOMEONE FUCKING CATCH HIM" he shouted to his walky talky knowing some of his men were on the grounds.

He immediately ran to the window looking down and there he sees wonwoo with a big inflatable cushion for seungcheol to land onto.

"what a bummer" seungcheol pouted as he layed there staring at the petrified jeonghan who was looking down at them.

"The boss is gonna nag you for that" wonwoo commented as seungcheol chuckled sitting up.

"well I guess some things never change" he said scratching his neck.

Soon a panting jeonghan ran towards them catching his breath as he stared at seungcheol looking as if he was crazy.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" he said shouting as seungcheol looked at him amused.

"well didn't you want me dead?" he asked shrugging.

"plus I was doing you and me a favor"

Jeonghan stared at the man like he grew two heads.

"you can't do that here!" jeonghan reasoned as seungcheol nodded.

"your right I'm in a hospital they can immediately take me to the er and I don't plan on surviving"

Jeonghan sweat dropped as he looked at the smiling male.

The once sweet and innocent Choi Seungcheol he met 4 years ago was long gone and now...

Dying is Fun (but only for Choi Seungcheol) Where stories live. Discover now