The honeymoon

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Sirens wailed in the background, snow fell from the sky and the crisp air whipped across the newly weds faces. New York was definitely special at this time of year where Christmas trees were in windows, lights lit up the streets and pedestrians slipped on ice. The sky was being lightened up by the moon and music was pouring out of every shop they passed.

Cameras flashed and people screamed as they saw the young man and his wife walking down the street. Harry and Olivia Styles were in New York. 

Fans pushed against the guards as they entered their hotel, the couple just wanted time to themselves without being under the constant eye of the public but for the famous pair their dreams couldn't come true even in the city where dreams are made. 

Golden wallpaper complimented the fiery red carpet, underfloor heating warmed the room to a comfortable temperature and the two single beds pushed together for photographs of the couple were carelessly placed in the middle of the room with an en-suite bathroom to the left of the door. This was their room for the next 2 weeks.

Despite the heating, the room had a cold feel about it but, on further inspection, the window was left open on the latch. Their view was excellent, blackbirds glided past and people looked like ants, they were on top of the world.

Very little was said whilst they were in the room, occasional discussions about the weather quickly died down. Harry was lay on the bed with his phone in hand messaging someone, Olivia was looking out the window thinking of things to say to her husband, a small rainbow bear was sat on the desk opposite the bed.

It was going to be a relaxing stay in which they'd spend 60% of their time in their room, 20% going out to places and the final 20% was talking to the public and journalists, it was all meticulously planned out in order for any talk about different relationships to be shut down.

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