Chapter One

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Grosvenor Square – April 1814

    "The topic of rakes has, of course, been previously discussed in this column, and This Author has come to the conclusion that there are rakes, and there are Rakes.

    Anthony Bridgerton is a Rake.

    A rake (lower-case) is youthful and immature. He flaunts his exploits, behaves with utmost idiocy, and thinks himself dangerous to women.

    A Rake (upper-case) knows he is dangerous to women.

    He does not flaunt his exploits because he doesn't need to. He knows he will be whispered about by men and women alike, and in fact, he'd rather they didn't whisper about him at all. He knows who he is and what he has done; further recountings are, to him, redundant.

    He doesn't behave like an idiot for the simple reason that he isn't an idiot (any moreso than must be expected among all members of the male-gender). He has little patience for the foibles of society, and quite frankly, most of the time This Author cannot say she blames him.

    And if that doesn't describe the Viscount Bridgerton – surely this season's most eligible bachelor – to perfection, This Author shall retire Her quill immediately. The only question is: Will 1814 be the season he finally succumbs to the exquisite bliss of Matrimony? This Author Thinks...


        Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, 20 April 1814"

    Lucy Wellington was sprawled out on Eloise Bridgerton's bed with the latest copy of the Society Papers between her fingertips. Eloise was pacing back and forth, feeling nervous as this was her first season as a debutant, and now her brother had made front headlines, wondering what that meant in regards to her prospects. 

    Lucy, however, was now entering her sixth season, and was no closer to finding a husband than she had been in her first season. This didn't bother her in the slightest, although she knew her mother would rather die of heart failure than to see her daughter spend the rest of her years as a spinster.

    "What could he have possibly done to end up on the front page?" shrieked Eloise as she snatched the paper from Lucy. 

    Lucy rolled her eyes, "Eloise, this will have no effect on your future prospects, I assure you. Your brother is a rake, everyone knows it. This is nothing new."

    "Leave it to my brothers to tarnish my reputation," she mumbled as her eyes scanned the paper.

    Lucy chuckled. "Your reputation? Eloise, you are a Bridgerton. Your sister married a Duke last year and is now the Duchess of Hastings. I think your reputation precedes you."

    "Nonetheless, I will blame Anthony of all my shortcomings," she mused.

    "Don't you blame Anthony for everything?"

    "Oh, we all do," she confirmed, meaning the rest of the Bridgerton children. "It comes with being the eldest."

    "You'll do just fine this season," comforted Lucy, still noticing Eloise's anxiety. "You're beautiful, and you're a Bridgerton. You'll fair well."

    "That I'm not so sure," sighed Eloise, "you are much more beautiful than I and you still have not managed to find a suitor."

    "I've had plenty of callers," countered Lucy, "yet, I'm interested in none of them."

    "You've had no proposals though," pointed out Eloise, "and if you've had no proposals, how am I expected to get any?"

    "Again, you're a Bridgerton."

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