Looking down to see Alex stepping on numerous shards of glasses while barefoot, Georgia rushed over to her daughter. "Alex, Alex, stop! Please," She pleaded, yanking her daughter away from the glass, "Alexandria!"

As Alex turned to face her mother, mascara ran down her face as her expression was consumed with heartbroken. "I hate him, I hate him so much!" She cried out and Georgia sighed, cupping her daughter's in her hands.

"He's dead, Alex," She assured the girl, wasting no time hugging her, "He can't hurt you no more. I promise. I understand how you feel. I've gone through it and never in my life did I ever want my children ever going through that type of pain so I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I should've seen the signs. I just don't know why you thought you couldn't tell me."

"You told me he was our family whether I liked it or not. You said he gave us stability and a roof over our heads. I didn't want to ruin that," Alex confessed softly, causing Georgia to freeze in place.

As she was hugging her daughter, Georgia began to tear up as guilt consumed her. A part of her felt at fault. Alex tried to tell her how much she hated Kenny and Georgia had shrugged it off, thinking she was being dramatic like Ginny always was when she got with someone new.

But Alex wasn't Ginny. She never hated on her mom for who she decided to get with. She kept her mouth shut and went with the flow, happy that her mother was happy. How could she have been so stupid and blind to see it?


The following day, Alex was standing at her locker. She felt like shit that day. She had felt like shit ever since she took the morning after pill but it wasn't until that morning she truly felt the side-effects.

Just then, Ginny walked over, a concerned look on her face that made Alex roll her eyes. "Are you pissed at me or something?" She asked, feeling worried, "'Cause you were super moody this morning for literally no reason. You even snapped at Austin and you never snap at him. Is it because of what I did?"

"You know, Ginny..." Alex trailed off and shut her locker. She turned to Ginny, smiling sarcastically, "When are you ever going to realize it's not always about you when it involves me?"

Alex was on the verge of walking off when Max made her way over to them, dancing and singing. "I got the lead! I got the lead! Yes, I did! I got the lead!"

The two sisters turned to Max, smiling at her. "Congrats! That's amazing," They told Max as they both smiled and hugged her.

"I'm so excited!" Max exclaimed happily.

"Yo, Max!" Abby called out from across the hallway.

Max's smile faded and she glared at them. She wrapped her arms around Ginny and Alex, leading them in the opposite direction of Abby and Norah. "Don't look. We are mad at them. What they did...bullshit."

"Alex, you coming to leadership?" Bracia suddenly called out as Alex was about to walk past her.

"Shit! I nearly forget," Alex admitted, pulling herself out of Max and Ginny's grip. She made her way over to Bracia and her friends, causing Max and Ginny to give her a weird look.

"Mom wants us at that country club, remember?" Ginny reminded Alex, who smiled as she turned to face her, "As punishment for what we did."

"For what you did," Alex corrected her and Ginny began to glare at her, "She wants you there. I didn't do anything wrong. She knows that. So good luck watching Mom flirt with the mayor."

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