Prologue: Our Journey Begins

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There are things that I like and others that I don't like, there many aren't things that I hate because hate is a very unpleasant emotion. I am not saying hatred is good or bad, but for me I just don't like it. One thing I dislike above all else is been seen as incapable, not competent enough, been seen as useless, some kind of invalid that can't do anything for himself. Just because I can't see with my own eyes.

Being blind isn't the worst thing that could happen to me, the worst thing that could happen to me is that for being blind I'm not treated as equal, at the end I just prove them wrong and I only advise them that they better take care of their words lest their windpipe breaks when they have to swallow them. 

That's what probably is gonna happen to this guys (crocodiles or alligators I think because of their smell) right now. I hate to use violence but it appears to be the only way ignorant people can understand. I actually tried to escape one or two times I almost made 10 feet until they caught up with me and asked no demanded my money. 

I am not planning on give them my money, mostly because I don't have much and I need it. Why this "bandits" don't just work and earn some money is beyond me. Actually from what I can sense these can guys be called as anything but bandits. they just don't seem (at least to my senses) that they know what to do. 

Their leader from what I can gather is yelling and complaining about everything going wrong and how I looked like an easy target because of the blindfold that gives away my blindness. His second in command was arguing with his leader albeit reluctantly and the third one from what I can feel with my senses is only standing there and doing nothing, he isn't even facing in my direction. I just want to get going and these guys won't let me go until I give them my money so I tried one last time to end this peacefully.

-If there isn't anything else you want from me, I'll just go- I said to the reptiles in front me but one of them got in my way and I run out of peaceful options. I hate to say it but the only choice I have I left is to use my knuckles and fight my way through.

-No way if you aren't gonna give us your money we will give you several- I interrupted him with a fist to the to the jaw and from there I started to attack everything that produced sounds and vibrations. One of them the one with a blunt weapon tried to attack from behind, I crouched enough to let the blow pass above my head then I turned around, grabbed the club with my hand, twist his elbow with the handle and hit him with it in the head then drop the club.

If I am going to fight I prefer to do it with own hands.  

The second in command tried to kick me, I grabbed his leg with both hands, lifted it upwards so he stumbled and fell to the ground, then with my hands on his ankle I twisted it and made him scream in pain. The leader was still recovering from the punch I gave him but still tried to attack me with the club, I stopped the attack with my forearm, twisted on my axis to elbow him in the forehead, grabbed his arm and dislocated his elbow with my knee. He wasn't unconscious yet so kneed him in the snout and he was finally out cold. 

Things like this seem to happen very often to me lately. Not a even a month ago I was assaulted by group lead by what I was able to identify as a female black panther that was really good at fighting with knives and shiv. I ended up winning the fight with a shiv stuck through my palm but it didn't got infected so it healed faster thanks medicinal plants. Even if I was blind I was very competent in many things and one of them just had to be fight. 

But let me remind you that being completely blind and lacking vision are two different things. thanks to training and many exercises I was able to enhance my senses to the point I can "see" with them. Hearing so that I can use echolocation (I can also hear heartbeats), touch so that I can feel vibrations through the ground and just like echolocation but through the floor and I named it seismic sense. Last but not least I got smell, out of all them this is the most powerful because I can smell things that are very far away.

Like my father once told me 

"We do the best we can and we want to do it well"

Wise is the man I have as a father, foster father actually but who cares. 

I was pulled away from thoughts when I heard people talking in the distance along with their vibrations and the smell of food being cooked. It was a village, and it seemed really nice here, very calm and peaceful, this is the kind of place I'd like to live in. Those thought brought small smile to my face, I've only had one place to call home and it's back on Siberia. So I made my way down the road into the valley until I detected distinctive smells along with sounds and vibrations coming from the closest mountain. If the sounds are coming from a temple on top I can only assume there is a staircase leading to it, it must be a really long staircase because they are at least half kilometer away from where I'm standing. I can't shake the feeling my path will lead me to that temple, sooner or later. Anyway, better get something to eat before I starve. 

-Well Aleksei, let's go and do something useful-

A/N: Hope you like it comment and vote if you want and bye see y'all next time             




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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