Chapter 1

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It was difficult to be best friends with Harry Potter and not tell him a single sentence about who I truly was. Have you ever had a dream or experience that you tried to explain, but could never find the right words? That's what type of situation I'm in now. Harry defeated Voldemort 2 years ago, and everything's back to normal again; the birds singing whimsical lullabies while soaring through the Quartz-white clouds in front of the ocean blue sky, to Hogwarts back in order with McGonagall as Headmaster. I have to tell you, Harry. I have to tell you a secret I was forbade to speak of for my entire existence. But now that Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Snape are gone, the Unbreakable Vow has been released. Harry, you might want to sit down.
When I was little, I had two wizard parents; Lily and James Potter. After they had you Harry, they decided they didn't have enough room for their first child, so they sent me off to a muggle all-girls orphanage. It was then that my Muggle parents adopted me. I grew up not knowing I was adopted until I was nosy enough to search about the reason my eye color was different from theirs. I had gone from closet to closet trying to find some sort of certificate of adoption, but I never found a morsel of parchment. One day when my parents were out, I searched the "forbidden closet". It was called the Forbidden Closet because I wasn't allowed in there; apparently it held something I must never find. I walked downstairs and opened the closet. Surprisingly, the closet was unlocked today. Inside was one piece of parchment with my name on it. Underneath my neatly written name were the words, "Certificate of Adoption." I closed the closet door and ran up to hide the parchment in my room, when I heard my "parents" walk through the door. I ran down the stairs, furious at them, and screamed, "When were you going o tell me? I'm adopted!" I shoved the price of paper into their hands and ran out the door to the library. I had wanted information on who my real parents were. I ran into the library and straight to the Rakspertown Map. I spent half an hour trying to find an orphanage, and I finally found one right out of town in Godric's Hollow. I skipped home, delighted that I had potentially found my orphanage. I ran inside and back down to the Forbidden Closet, but the handle was locked. I said to myself, "I wish it wasn't locked!" And I heard something click. I turned back at the door and tried the handle again. The ebony door swung clearly open and lone behold, the parchment was there. I smiled and turned around to make sure no one was watching. I picked up the paper and read the fine print under "Certificate of Adoption". They said, "This female has been adopted from Matti's Magical All-Girls Orphanage in Godric's Hollow". I took the paper with me and walked carefully throughout the house, knowing that my parents would awaken if I made any noise. My parents slept in the afternoon, because they had night jobs. I still felt it unfair to not leave them a clue where I was. I grabbed a pink sticky note and scrawled, "Going out to bike around Rakspertown. Be back after you leave most likely." I opened and shut the door softly an walked silently to the garage where my bike was stored. I grabbed it and biked and biked until I reached the end of the street. I looked back and saw mum and dad closing the shades to take their nap. I breathed a sigh, and put my foot on the pedals.

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