Chapter 2

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"Oh my god!! I got the part!!! I got it !!! I'm gonna be on the tv!! I'm gonna be an actress!!!" I jump up and down with sheer happiness. "Really? Well done Lili!! " My roommate Austyn says to me excitedly.  " You are gonna be amazing on the show, I'm so happy for you" I stop jumping and the realization hits me. " Oh my god, I need to start packing for Vancouver and I need to book a flight quickly!" I scramble around trying to pack my bags but Austyn stops me, I look at her shocked. 

" What is it?" I ask her. " Let me pack the bags and you can go book the flight, I'm not here for nothing you know?" She walks off to get my things and I book my flight.

At the airport...

I hand the ticket person my ticket and they let me through onto the plane. I place my bag above and take a seat by the window. I got business class because I was excited when booking the tickets and I also felt like rewarding myself. It was quite luxurious, there were decent meals and TVs, etc. I went on my phone to let my friends and family know I was safely on the plane. I looked up to see a man putting his stuff above my seat, he looked familiar though and I couldn't quite place him... that was until I saw his face. " Hi there, you don't mind if I put my stuff up there do you?" He asked me, "No, it's ok don't worry, what are you doing here?" I asked him. He chuckled " I got the part for Riverdale, I used to read the comics when I was little, so thought why not, and who would have guessed I would have booked the role!!" He exclaimed. " Wow that's amazing, well done and congrats, I actually booked my role too, so looks like we will be seeing a lot more of each other" I chuckle.

"Yeah, I can't wait to spend more time with you, I'm sure it's gonna be a lot of fun," He said to me with a chuckle. "Oh my god, I just realized I don't know your name, I'm so sorry, that's so rude of me," I say in a panic. " Hey it's ok, most people know who I am, to be honest, but it's refreshing to meet someone who doesn't," He tells me. " Really are you famous or something? What were you in?" I ask him, " Well I was on Disney with my twin Dylan, but I've been in a movie as well called Big Daddy". "Wow, that's so cool, again sorry I haven't heard of you, but I'm sure you are an amazing actor, My name is Lili, by the way, I would be surprised if you had heard of me," I tell him with a chuckle, We continue talking for the rest of the flight.

At landing airport in Vancouver...


" So Lili, Do you have a place to stay, if not I booked a hotel room if you want to crash there?" I ask her. "Umm... Well, I actually forgot to book a place before I left, cause I was so excited about the role, if I could stay there until I find a place that would be great, but I wouldn't want to be a hassle or anything." She says to me. I take one of her bags and say " Let's go then", She laughs Her laugh is so cute, Oh my god I still can't believe agreed

At the hotel...

The room is luxurious with a minibar and, two double beds. "Home Sweet Home," I say with a laugh. Lili looks at the room in awe and goes to explore the place. I put our things away and start unpacking. " Hey Lili, You want anything to eat, it's getting late so thought you might want some dinner?", "Umm... Yeah for sure, I'm kinda craving pizza to be honest" She tells me with a chuckle. "Ok Pizza it is then, pepperoni ok?" "Yeah for sure," She tells me. I order the pizza and put on a movie called BookSmart. Lili comes racing through " Oh my god, this is one of my favorite movies! I love it so much, have you seen it?" She asks excitedly. "No, I just saw a movie and pressed play," I say with a chuckle. "I'm so jealous, first time watching something is always the best, you'll love it don't worry," She tells me. We watch the movie and we both laugh so much, Halfway through the doorbell goes and I collect the pizza. "There you go, I hope it's ok," I say with a smile, She smiles back "I'm sure it will be". We continue watching the movie, laugh at the funny moments and crying at the sad ones. Once it finishes I tell Lili what I thought, " Lili, that was amazing I can't believe I have never seen that movie before, Wow it's really late and we have to be on set tomorrow for the table reads, I'm gonna head to bed, but see you in the morning yeah" I tell Lili. " Yeah ill probs go to bed too, but I'm so excited for tomorrow, Night Cole"

Author's POV:

Hey, guys thanks for reading the chapter, hope u guys like it and again if u have any suggestions or problems feel free to leave a comment or send a message, thx again :)

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