A new plan

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(Harmony's POV)
I sat on my bed and Mal sat on hers both of us flipping through our spell books. Evie sat at the desk in our room doing Chads endless homework and Carlos sat on the ground at the foot of my bed. The door opened up to reveal Jay with a Tourney Jersey on.
"Yo-ho-ho" He said posing
"Hey!" Carlos said cheering him on
"Did your plan work with Jane? Are you going over to see the wand?" Jay asked me
"Do you think we would be going through ever single spell in our books if we hadn't completely struck out?" I said flipping through the pages faster
"Someone in a bad mood" Carlos said
"My moms counting on me. I can't let her down" Mal said as I flicked Carlos in the back of the head
"We can do this....if we stick together" Jay said
"And we won't go back until we do....cause we're rotten" I started
"To the core" the other four finished
"Oh yeah I found that fairy godmother blesses Ben with her wand at coronation and we all get to go. I have nothing to wear of course" Evie said and we all looked at her "what?" She asked before a knock on the door echoed through the room.
"Hold that thought" I said getting up and answering the door
"Hey Harmony. I didn't see you guys today and I was wondering if there was anything that you needed?" Ben said
"Not that I know of" I said looking back to the others
"Okay all right" he started before he started leaving "oh wait!" He said turning back to me "Harmony I got you something" he said and I looked at him in shock
"You got me something?" I questioned
"Yeah" He said pulling out a black box "sunglasses you said that it was really bright earlier so I went to the kingdom shops and found these dark ones" he said handing me the box. I opened them up to see sunglasses with a black and blue frame with a dark black lenses.
"Oh my gosh! Ben these must of cost a fortune!" I said looking at him
"Yeah I just want to make you guys feel comfortable" he said smiling and I smiled back. Now I felt bad that we were just here to steal the wand. "Okay. All right. Well uh if you need anything, just uh" Ben started
"Oh wait! Um is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?" I asked
"Yeah, the whole school goes" Ben said smiling
"Wow that is beyond exciting! Is it possible that the five of us could sit in the front row next to fairy godmother so we could soak up all that goodness" I said smiling. Ben hesitated for a second then started talking.
"I wish you could. Up front it's just me, my folks and my girlfriend" Ben said
"And your girlfriend?" I asked devising a plan in my head
"Yeah. I'm sorry..." Ben said
"Okay thanks bye!" I said shutting the door in his face before turning to the others "I think it's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend. And I need a love spell" I said before Carlos threw my spell book to me.

The underworlds Siren जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें