About Love

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An unintentional continuation for "First Impressions Are Lasting Impressions", so I recommend reading it first.

Soon after finishing that fic, the idea of angsty Gen as a result of Senku overusing "my Mentalist" began to bug me so I needed to do something about it...

The title is from Marina's song, which helped me finish this.

Hope you have fun reading it!


"My Mentalist."

Such a bold thing to say.

Fortunately, he could rest assured that Gen wouldn't be getting any wrong ideas. After all, even if the mentalist was surely familiarized with the concept of Freudian slips, he was also probably aware of how the notion of them revealing hidden desires was long outdated.

If anything, his slip was nothing more than his anxiousness talking which, given the amnesia situation, had been more than justified.

However, being the bastard he was, Gen probably wouldn't let it go any time soon. Unless, he did something about it first.

How was the saying? If you can't beat them, join them?

"I need you to get me a few things, my Mentalist," he said casually, giving him a list with ingredients. He ignored everyone's gasps of shock, pretending what he said didn't have any particular meaning. Although he couldn't help but look towards Gen direction, feeling a mix of amusement with something else when he discovered how red Gen's face turned.


So he decided to casually call him "my Mentalist" more often. Casually, like it wasn't making his heart do flips whenever those words left his lips. And then, he would smile sardonically whenever he caught Gen by surprise, a light blush on his face. Such an unusual sight to see.

He wasn't expecting it to be so... exhilarating.


"My Mentalist" were apparently the words of his new personal circle of Hell. They were nice, made him feel warm inside, but also hurt, because Senku wasn't aware of the heavy truth behind them.

Unfortunately, he couldn't tell him to stop, that would raise questions. He considered avoiding Senku until he eventually got bored and things went back to normal, but that would probably be too obvious and would be like confessing he actually had a problem with it.

He could only think of one alternative: playing along, which could end either with embarrassing Senku enough so that he would stop doing it or, on the contrary, to it becoming a "private joke" between them. Which option he preferred? He wasn't sure. He like the sound of it, but it also hurt... Maybe he would eventually get used to it?

However, he soon realized that he was at a great disadvantage. After all, it wasn't too out of character from him to refer to Senku (or anyone really) as "dear", having gone as far as to refer to him as "my dear Senku" a couple of times.

"Are you okay?" Ukyo asked as they walked through the forest on a scouting mission for some herbs Senku asked for.

"Not really, Senku-chan has been really eanmay lately." That was a way to put it.

"Really? One would expect him to be nicer to his boyfriend." Ukyo joked, focused on looking for what they had been commissioned.

"Very funny, Ukyo-chan!"

"Isn't he?" He asked, having the audacity to look surprised.

"No, Senku-chan's heart is for science and science only. Really, Ukyo-chan, you should know this by now." Gen responded with a dramatic sigh. However, Ukyo didn't seem amused by his theatrics.

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