King of The Stone World

Start from the beginning

"I see that you've been busy." came a familiar voice from the side.

She looked up and saw Senku coming towards her. "Welcome back!" she greeted while getting up to face him properly. "How did it go?"

Instead of directly answering her, he pointed his thumb behind before heading towards the treehouse. "See for yourself." was all he said.

The confused woman's gaze followed where he was pointing at. Just as he said, standing few feet away from them was the guy she saw when he was still petrified. Now that he was revived and standing, he revealed to be a very tall person which she assumed to be at a height of around 200 centimeters. He had bits of stone near the ends of his long hair. The young man had one stone marking across his face that cut across his right eye, another etched deeply into the left one from the corner of his eyelid all the way down across his nose, ending at the bottom of his right jaw on the right. The third marking was stretched across from his left shoulder over his chest and stopping at his upper abdomen. He wore what seemed to be a red yukata and a coat made from a lion's pelt draped across his shoulders.

'I'm pretty sure that's not Yuzuriha.' she thought with a deadpanned expression. Rikona's gaze landed on the statue of a young girl that Taiju had leaned against the tree trunk, then back at the tall man. 'Judging by the fact that they haven't de-petrified her and instead used the mixture on him, they must've stumbled upon a threat along their journey. Well, it's better to revive someone who can fight than to be eaten by hungry animals.'

The young woman was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice that his intimidating frown replaced by a look of shock when his gaze landed on her. 'It can't be.' he thought with disbelief. 'It's her!'

Rikona approached the young man with a smile on her face and gestured him to the treehouse. "You must be still overwhelmed by what's happening." she said gently. "Come on, let's join the others inside. I'm sure we'll be able to fill in the details for you."

He snapped out of his thoughts before responding with a meek "okay". He followed her up the ladder and joined the others inside the treehouse. "Let me introduce myself again." he began with his hand extended outward. "I'm Shishio Tsukasa. Just call me Tsukasa."

"In this world, surnames have become meaningless." stated Senku, ignoring his offer for a handshake. He was busy removing the belt around his waist as he introduced everyone. "I'm Senku, the smart one and who's in charge of science. He's Taiju, who's simple-minded and in charge of heavy lifting. She's Rikona, the jack of all trades who's in charge of science, the food, and so on."

Taiju firmly shook Tsukasa's hand and said, "I'm Taiju, the simple-minded one. Nice to meet you. Ask Senku and Rikona everything that needs thinking."

"Rikona here!" joined the woman with a closed-eye smile, who also shook his hand. Tsukasa's grip seemed to loosen as he gently held her hand in his big one. "Like Senku says, I'm in charge of a lot of things. Maybe you can lend a helping hand whenever you feel like it."

"Sure do." he responded, returning the smile. "What do you usually eat?"

"Usually, we eat wild vegetables and mushrooms." answered Senku, who'd been watching them from a few feet away. "As for meat, we just eat the deers, rabbits, and other small animals Rikona had been able to catch and cook."

Tsukasa raised his brows at the said woman as he looked mildly surprised. "You hunt animals? That means you can fight, right?"

"Not really." she answered bashfully before they removed their hands. "I've been hunting with bow and arrows. I learned archery before the petrification, so I was able to apply what I've learned in our survival. I haven't able to learn how to hunt bigger animals with spears. Can't really say I know how to fight, right?"

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