Part 11- The dance

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Part 11

March 3 2:03-March 4 1:21

Annie pov

After walking around the black lake with Theodore I decided to head back to my dorm to get ready. The dance started at eight and it was already four o clock. How could I have spent so much time with him?

I can't even remember what we talked about for all that time.

I arrived at my dorm and walked in to see Pansy and Astoria rushing around. "What are you guys rushing for."

"We only have four hours till the dance!!" Pansy screeched

"Yeah, you have to get ready soon Annie!" Astoria said

"Ok I'm going to hop in the shower while you guys do your nails because mine are already done."

I went into the bathroom and turned on the hot water. Once it heated up I got in. I used my conditioner and shampoo that smelled like flowers, particularly roses and my body wash that smelled like vanilla. Once I was done I brushed my teeth and kept my hair up in a towel and put my robe on.

I decided on going to Daphne's room to see if she was getting ready yet because Pansy and Astoria were still doing their nails.

I entered Daphne's room and I was immediately rushed with the smell of coffee and lavender. There were two beds across the room from each other with their own private areas. I noticed one side of the room had crystals and painting supplies while the other had vines and candles set about.

Daphne looked up from her book to see who it was and then waved for me to come sit next to her. I noticed that her roommate was missing or just was getting ready in someone else's dorm.

"Hey Annie what can I do for you?"

"Oh nothing. I was just wondering if I could hang out with you for a while until it was time to start getting ready. Astoria and Pansy are painting their nails."

"Ah. What are you wearing tonight?"

"I'm wearing a red short dress."

"That is going to look gorgeous with your hair! I am wearing a dark blue mini dress."

"So who's your roommate I don't think I've ever seen her before."

"Oh that's Cordelia Black. She transferred here from Ilvermorny with Nathan Pettegrew and Louis Lupin. She is mostly friends with Gryfinndors. That's her side of the room." She pointed to the side of the room with the ivy and candles. I hadn't noticed but she had a lot of books scattered around her side.

"I'm pretty sure she's going to get ready here and you are welcome to get ready with us. I totally forgot you're going with Nott to the dance!"

I felt heat rush up to my cheeks when she started about me and Theodore going to the dance together. "Yeah I'll go grab my stuff." and I ran off quickly hoping that she would drop the subject.

I grabbed my stuff quickly out of my closet and my makeup and hair bag and fastly got out of the room. I didn't want Astoria or Pansy asking any questions. When I got back to Daphne's dorm the girl I assumed to be Cordelia was standing in front of her mirror and brushing her hair.

"Hey Annie."

"Hey Daphne"

Cordelia turned around and looked at Annie for a second before smiling and saying "I'm Cordelia Black and I'm guessing your Annie"

I was a little intimidated by her at first but her smile looked genuine so I replied " Yeah, I'm Antoinette Delacour but everyone calls me Annie."

What are we?- Theodore NottOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora