Pt. 2 YOU'RE DATING?!?!?!

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The last things you could hear from the gym was Iwaizumi telling Shoyo, "Y'know you could've done better that this egotistical, cocky, shithead, Shoyo," and a pouting Tooru Oikawa whining, "Iwa-chan so mean~"


"I know I could have Iwaizumi-senpai. I thought he would be good enough for me and MY sunshine, but I don't think so anymore," Shoyo said, sticking his tongue out at his boyfriend who was whining again, but this time he was saying "Sho-chan! I thought you said you all loved me!" Shoyo smirked and said sarcastically, a side he got from his boyfriend, "Yeah well, I lied." Natsu giggled cutely and escaped from her brother's arms. She sat on the ground in front of Tooru and hugged him. "Natsu you love me right?" he asked with pleading eyes. Natsu looked at him, then around the gym, back at him, walked over to Kenma, and put her hands in an 'up' motion, she giggled again, and said, "I only love Mama, Kenma-nii-san, and Nii-san!"

The entire gym started laughing at what the girl said. When they calmed down they realized it was lunch time, so Shoyo took Natsu from Kenma and carried her outside, where they were going to eat lunch.

Everyone, besides Tooru, were surprised. Why? Because they just figured out how motherly the sunshine crow was.

"I'm not hungry!" Natsu said, crossing her arms and pouting. Shoyo sighed, he had to deal with this yesterday too, he looked like he remembered something then looked back at his sister, "If you eat lunch, Nii-san will play hair salon with you later." Natsu lit up and asked, in the most innocent voice ever, "Really Nii-san!?" "Yes, really Natsu. Now, eat your lunch." "Ok!" Suga, Daichi, Ennoshita, Yamaguchi, Kiyoko, and Yachi walked up to the siblings.

"You're really good with kids Shoyo," Suga commented as he got by the Hinatas. "Yeah! I wouldn't be surprised if you took over the mom role of the team next year!" Yamaguchi said. Shoyo was blushing because of the second comment. He told Yamaguchi that he might, but he wouldn't do that on purpose. He said it would only happen if his 'big brother mode' turned on and he felt like he needed to be the responsible one of the group.

When he regained his composure he said, "Well, I kind of have to be. My dad fell ill and passed away a year after Natsu was born, and my mom has to travel for work, so I kind of got stuck watching Natsu. I don't mind, though. I like spending time with her and watching her grow up," he got everyone else's attention now, "Plus, I feel like I'm getting the childhood I lost back. I understand her, and kids in general, better now. Like, I know why they like to be read stories at night, and fall asleep with their parents, or play with their siblings, because I never knew what any of that was like as a kid. That's why I like volleyball so much," everyone was super intrigued at this point and Shoyo didn't seem to notice the lack of conversations going on around him anymore as he continued, "Volleyball, arguing with Tsukishima and Kageyama, playing the other teams. It helps me feel like I'm actually discovering the world because as a kid I had two priorities. Those were making sure I spent time with Dad and making sure Natsu has the childhood and love I never got. Basically, it just feels refreshing to be able to act like a kid and be responsible at the same time."

After Shoyo finished his little tangent he didn't hear any responses, so he looked around and saw that everyone was looking at him. Most of them looked dazed by what he said, he turned around and saw Tooru walking toward him. "What happened to them?" Shoyo asked his boyfriend. "You. What you just said," Tooru gave him a quick kiss on the lips and then hugged him. As they were hugging he whispered into Shoyo's ear, "You can act like a kid around me whenever you want to, Baby. You know I'll never judge you right?" "Yeah. I know Tooru."

The two stood their hugging as everyone got over their shock. Suga looked at Shoyo and said, "That.... I don't even know what to say to that...'' Yamaguchi tapped Shoyo's shoulder to get his attention, once he did he said, "I think that's amazing Shoyo! I can call you Shoyo right? But, I think that was an amazing and cute mini speech! Can I play with you and Natsu later? I want to get to know you too better." Shoyo looked a little surprised before replying, "Thanks Yamaguchi! Yes you can call me Shoyo, but only if I can call you Tadashi. I don't mind if you play with us, but you have to ask Natsu. Oh! And if you do play with us, you have to be ready to get your hair braided or something," Yamaguchi giggled and they went to talk to Natsu about playing with them later.

After they left Tooru's hearing range, or at least he thought they did, he sighed and let out a small 'thank god~'. Everyone around Tooru looked at him and Kuroo asked, "Why did you say 'thank god'? Are you happy Shoyo just left?" Tooru looked offended at the assumption and said, "No! I'm never happy when Shoyo leaves! I'm just happy because he's finally hanging out with Yamayama, as he calls him in the stories he tells me anyway."

Suga looked confused for a second before asking, "What do you mean 'finally hanging out with Yamayama'?" Tooru huffed and turned his head to the side so the others couldn't see his blush, they saw it anyway, and said, "Because! In all of his stories it's always 'Kageyam this' and 'Kageyama that'. I thought he would enjoy hanging out with Yamayama because of how he describes him when he talks. Plus, I was getting tired of hearing Tobio-chan's name all the time," he whispered the last sentence but Iwaizumi heard it.

He started laughing and everyone looked at him, "What's so funny Iwaizumi-senpai?" Kindaichi asked. Iwaizumi stopped laughing just to call Matsukawa and Hanamaki over. When they made it over he stopped laughing completely, looked at Tooru, smiled (it looked more like a smik to Tooru), and asked him, "What? Are you jealous of Tobio Shittykawa?" Hanamaki and Mutsukawa burst out laughing hearing this.

Shoyo suddenly walked out from behind Tooru and said, "Yep! He's jealous of Tobio! He has been for a while!" A few people got scared, thought they would never admit it, when he suddenly popped up. Tooru just looked confused and sad, he looked at Shoyo, gave him his best puppy eyes and yelled while asking, "YOU KNEW?! YOU KNEW I WAS JEALOUS OF TOBIO-CHAN AND STILL TALKED ABOUT HIM?! SHO-CHAN~ WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN TO ME? YOU'RE MY BOYFRIEND!" Hinata just smirked and sassily said, "It's because I am your boyfriend I get to be mean to you." Yeah forget the earlier statement, he got his sassy and snarky side from Iwaizumi, not Oikawa.

^The last sentence Shoyo said I based on an Oihina book I read. It was called 'The Red String of Faith' and I highly recommend it!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I hope you have an amazing morning/afternoon/night! Talk to you soon My Stars! (It's ok if I call you guys that right?)

1248 words

Haikyuu One-shots and DrabblesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora