Chapter 5: NO!?

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Lucy's POV:

Today is the day we've all been dreading. GAA is coming today and let's say no one was pleased.

Everyone was getting dressed in their fancy white clothes except Simon. My dress was white and it went just above my knee with a belt.

"We were told to put on our good clothes correct. Well I'm gonna put my good clothes...........on the pig" he announced and ran out.

After GAA had greeted us she went to Papa's office to talk, probably about Papa getting a new wife.

Turns out GAA wants to bring one of the girls with her to Stitch Manor. This isn't going to end well.

We were trying to get the donkey to come but Chrissie couldn't tie the rope and the donkey ran off after Chrissie.

Eric and I ran after her and the others followed behind but GAA had grabbed Chrissie and said she wanted to bring her with her.

After I saw Simon say something under his breathe Nanny McPhee came through the gate and banged her stick on the ground making the donkey laugh.

She then said she wanted to bring the donkey with her and we had to choose who would go with her. And I was going to go without anyone knowing.

After everyone else went to the treehouse I went inside to pack a small rucksack with things.

While I was in their Jacob came in and saw me packing and looked confused.

"Great Aunt Adelaide wants to take someone with her and I'm gonna go. No one else knows so please don't tell them until they find out" I said walking over to him with tears in my eyes.

He looked just as heart broken and he pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back almost immediately and our lips moved in sync and we finally pulled away.

"Promise me you'll come back?" He asked. I nodded.

"Promise. Now you promise me you'll take care of the kids especially Simon?" I asked and he nodded.


We kissed again and went down the stairs and I got into he carriage and we left.

Simon's POV:

When we saw Papa running through the forest after the carriage he thought Chrissie was in there.

When we finally caught up with him Jacob was there also looking at the cart and at that moment I knew who was in there and ran.

"NO!? you can't take her. LUCY" I yelled and collapsed to the ground. Jacob ran after me and hugged me. I hugged him back and cried.

"I sorry I tried to stop her but she wouldn't say yes to staying. She asked me to take care of you. She promised she'd be back so have hope Simon" Jacob told me with tears streaming down each other's faces.

Everyone looked broken without her. What was I gonna do without her. I might just crack and break.

I'm so sorry Lucy I couldn't save you.

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