I was going to my movie room to meditate.

While I am meditating I hear a knock on the door.

I get up to answer it and I see the boys.

I quickly close it in their face but one of them sticks their foot in the door before I could completely close it.

Ale: "I'm sorry for what I did but can we talk.

He sounded like he'd been crying also.

I get my gun out slowly and shoot near their foot.

They quickly take their foot out of the door way and I slam it.

Tia: "we're sorry for earlier but can we talk just for a bit"

He was speaking through the door"

Lani: "I'm listening"

Tia: "face to face"

Ale: "tell us when your ready"

I hear them walk away.

I just shrug my shoulders because I'm used to people like this. They want to do something to me and act sus then say sorry and want to "talk".

💭Michael: "hey"💭


💭Michael: "are you good"💭

💭thanks for checking and yes but I want you around more after these few months I'm sorry for sending you away💭

💭Michael: "I understand why all of a sudden"💭

💭something happened earlier I'm not telling you tho💭

💭Michael: "ok"💭

I then get a call.

Ale🙈 is calling...

I don't want to answer to that scumbag so I decline.

He calls up to 21 times and 57 texts after.

In the texts he was saying please answer and if I'm seeing this to come over.

💭Michael: "never mind I don't like ale wit his annoying ass"💭

Lani: "as you should but should I go"

💭Michael: "yea because I feel like they are up to something so let's show them what they are messing with"💭

Lani: "ok"

I'm coming over

YES thank you

Why what do you want

You'll find out it's a surprise

Ok I'm trusting you

I was now on my way to their house.

Alejandro pov:

I felt even more bad that she was putting her trust in me.

Mattias dad is making us do this because we begged him to let her see her family but he said if he lets them come back to see her they switch places which means that Leilani has to go and Chris and Daniel can go. He said before he leaves the thrown he will get this girl. Only reason we went through with it was because we know that's all she wanted to do was to see her family so we signed the papers.

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