5. Letters, Quidditch and...Pansy Parkinson?

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It's been two weeks since the love potion incident and I haven't seen Flint since.

"Tryouts are coming up soon, he has to show his face if he doesn't want to lose his precious Quidditch team." I say to Ruby.

We were at breakfast. It's me, Ruby, Adrian, Blaise, Cedric (he had started being accepted by everyone else) and our newest member, Graham Montague. I guess him and Blaise have started getting closer.

"Speaking of tryouts, you still coming to that Quidditch game of mine Y/N?" Cedric asks looking at me.

"I- um, it's Malfoy, Diggory. And I'm not really sure." I say. I felt really uneasy for some reason. When he spoke to me I got all flustered and stuttery, I guess the only thing I know how to do is be mean in these kinds of situations. But I mean I wasn't crushing on him or anything.

~~~~~Cedric POV~~~~~

I really thought Y/N and I were getting closer. I mean I really like her, no matter how mean she is to me. I mean she is a Malfoy, but she just seems.. different than her family, maybe not nicer but different. I guess I've noticed a lot of people have feelings for Y/N. I don't show it, but it does make me quite angry that other people like her. But I mean, I'm not going to be that kind of guy. That gets jealous and rude every time a guy comes near her.

~~~~~Y/N's POV~~~~~

We were talking about Quidditch more when I feel a sharp pain in my side. I turn to find Draco standing over me.

"What is it?" I ask like he's some kind of scum.

"I need to talk to you." He says in the same tone as mine.

I sigh and get up and we go to the corner of the Great Hall.

"What's going on between you and that Hufflepuff Diggory." He spits out.

"Draco how do you know him? And why do you even care?"

"Listen, I know everyone around here. And even if he is a pureblood, dad will never approve."

"Draco why do you care!?"

"I-I dont. I just don't want dad to take his anger out on me." He says quietly.

"What? You mean like abuse? Draco dad would never do that? He's a fucking loser."

"Don't talk about dad like that! At least you've got mom more on your side."

"Whatever. I'm not talking to you anymore." I say and shove past him.

I sit back down.

"What was that about?" Blaise asks.

"My brother's a shit head." I say rolling my eyes.

"No, yeah we've noticed." Adrian says.

"What's wrong with you?" Ruby says.

"I just don't like the way Roger looks at you." He says taking a few glances at the Ravenclaw table.

"Oh Adrian. We're just friends and he looks at me the way he looks at everyone else."

"Yeah, ok."

We talk more about Quidditch, but I couldn't help wonder something. Was dad really hurting Draco?


After class ends I say goodbye to Ruby and head upstairs to study. When I get there I notice a letter sitting on my desk.

Y/N Malfoy.

    Draco has informed us that you have been seeing Amos's Diggory's boy. The Diggory's are a big disgrace to the wizarding world, almost as bad as the Weasley's. We know that you know how bad they are. Draco has also informed us that you have been especially rude to him. Therefore we have decided that you will not be welcomed back to the Malfoy Manor for the holidays. We also order you to cut that Diggory boy out of your life. Or someone else might just have to instead.
Lucius&Narcissa Malfoy.

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