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Everyone stared at me, then to Dream. L'manburg cheered while others jeered.


Wilbur walked up and looked at Dream.


We broke it into laughter.

I picked Dream up and shoved him towards George.

"Go take care of your boyfriend. Here's some healing potions."

Dream was knocked out.

"Is he breathing, George?"
"Yeah, barely though."

Why was I concerned about his health? I don't know.

We all ran to L'manburg, cheering.

~Time Skip~

All the teens were in bed as we older peeps sat around the table, drinking.

"You should have seen his face when I brought Sapnap to him."

I copied his facial expression and everyone laughed, but it soon died down.

We could here Tommy laughing as Toby walked out of his room, rubbing his eyes.


I turned to face him, Tommy's laughter quickly stopped.

"What's up bud?"

"Tommy's being annoying. He won't stop kicking the top bunk."


"Sorry Toby..."

"Thanks mom."

I smiled, knowing that everyone feared me when I yelled.

"Y/N, you're scary sometimes."

"Yeah, you really are."

"Thanks for the compliments."

I spun the drink in my hand and took a sip.

"How did the fight go with Dream? What happened?"

"Well, he quote 'Aww you look so cute with you little pouty face I could just kiss you' unquote. I said aight, bet, do it. He chickened out on the deal that HE proposed. Then I proceeded to kick his ass and then hit both Punz and George with arrows out of trees."

"And Sapnap?"

"I missed him the first two times I shot into the trees. I called him a pussy and he came down. We fought. I'm talking speed pots, strength pots. I still managed whoop his ass."

They burst out laughing and I shrugged my shoulders laughing.

"That would've been epic if we had seen that."

"Yeah, it was quite the fight."

I looked at the time and it was almost midnight. Fuck it, I'll stay up late.

We all sat around, refilling our glasses with water now. I saw a flash of green outside the window and a smiley face mask. What the fuck is he doing here?

I whispered to everyone.

"Someone's here. Get up, quick."

I went to go and get Tommy and Toby.

"Get up guys, ready to fight."

"What time is it?"

"Get the fuck up Tommy. NOW!"

"Ok, Ok."

I left the room, hearing them get up.

"Y/N, what's wrong."

"Dream, he's here. I saw him."

"Are you sure?"

"Y/N, we're in no mood to fight, we're to tipsy. We'd wind up hitting each other."

"Fine, I'll go, keep Tommy and Toby inside for now."

I grabbed my sword and walked in the direction of the smiley face mask that I saw.

"Hello? Who is out here? I'm not blind, I saw you."

I could hear rustling in the bushes, then a twig snapping.

"And I can hear you."

I kept my guard up as I approached the bush.

"I know you can hear me speaking, Dream."

"So? I didn't have to respond."

He stood up out of the bush.

"Why are you on L'manburg soil? What brings you here?"

"I brought my self and I came to finally defeat you. I've been watching you closely."

"Ok, that's creepy, but I'll fight tomorrow, I'll still be a bit hungover and not in my right mind."

"Oh, no. You won't."

I felt my hands be taken behind my back and my sword taken. Dream got close to my face.

"You're stuck now, you're not strong enough to fight."


"Shush, they can't hear you."

He smiled mischievously as he walked and the two holding me followed, forcing me with them.


I turned my head.


He started running after me.



He attempted to swing at the man on my left and missed. George turned and grabbed his sword, bringing him to the ground, picking him up by the collar.

Great, now we're both captured.

I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head, and then nothing. I had no idea where we were going.

Sorry for the late-ass update. :) Forgive me?

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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