#1 He who made her who she is now.

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"pain changes people, it makes them trust less and shut people out."

Rayna was snoring loudly. She had been sitting in a chair beside her bedroom window for the best part of four hours, staring out at the darkening sky of The Vale and had finally fallen asleep with one side of her face pressed against the cold window-pane. The misty fug her breath had left on the window sparkled in the white glare of the moon outside, and the artificial light drained her face of all colour so that she looked ghostly beneath her locks of untidy dark brown hair. 
The room was strewn with various possessions and a good smattering of rubbish. Swords and knifes, apple cores, a big water flacon and a number of books lay higgledy-piggledy among the tangled capes and dresses on her bed and a mess of armor bits sat in a puddle of light on her desk.

Rayna didn't remember much from her childhood - though it was obvious because the little dark haired girl got hers taken away from her at a far too young age.
 When it was her fifth birthday her father, Jon Arryn, couldn't be there for her. He needed to go to Kingslanding to be crowned as Hand of The King after Robert Baratheon was named King of The Seven Kingdoms. He was named King after Jaimie Lannister had killed The Mad King. Rayna was most upset out of the little family. Lysa Arryn was finally left alone with Rayna so she could make the little girls life even more miserable then it already was and Lord Arryn was happy with the opportunity of being hand of the king. So Rayna just tried to make the best of what she had.


Once, she was sitting on that same chair next to that same window. The same snoring could be heard from her room but the tone was a lot higher. 'Wake up.' said a familiar voice, 'We have got lessons, my lady.' It was Petyr Bealish, also known as littlefinger, her mothers friend. She trusted him, more than her own mother. She never talked to her, but he did. He was the only one who ever told her things, trusted her with things and took her on walks. Littlefinger visited The Vale a lot. But he only seemed to have intrests in the small, pale and fragile girl. Which made Lady Arryn even more hateful towards Rayna considering she always had an eye on Petyr.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Still half asleep the little, now nine years old, girl followed the skinny man down the stairs and passed the dungeons where mord was sleeping on his chair. Mord was the sky dungeons guard. 'Lady Arryn has allowed me to..  train you.' Littlefinger said vaguely while opening a door and entering  a grim room with a few windows. Rayna entered and saw two swords standing up against one of the brickstone walls. 

Littlefinger continued, 'I don't want you to be afraid. There's no need. I just want to teach you things. Things that other people don't teach children. I want you to learn how people are and what the world revolves around. I am going to teach you how to be aware, how to notice things and how to use those things to manipulate and control. Do you understand, Rayna?'
Rayna had listened carefully to everything he said, 'Yes.' she answered.
'Good,' Littlefinger said looking at her facial expressions trying to decipher them. And it was easy, deciphering her expression and thoughts, and so he knew what he wanted to teach her first. 'i want to show no emotions, do you understand that?'

 Rayna nodded and watched him come closer. It all seemed to happen so fast that she didn't even notice what happend until her left cheek turned red and started to hurt. He had slapped her. Her eyes started to prickle and tears slowly ran down her cheeks, but Littlefinger didn't seem to feel bad. He only seemed to be getting angry, 'What did I tell you, Rayna?' He asked.
'To show no emotions.' she said slowly and under her breath. He slapped her again and raised his voice, 'Speak up!'
'To show no emotions.' she said, now as fast as she could. But he didn't stop. He didn't care. He didn't care if he hurt her. He went on and on and on until she layed rolled up against the wall, blood dripping not only down her cheeks but her legs and shoulders too. 'Enough for today.' Littlefinger said without any sentiment, 'We will do this again, and keep on doing this until you've realised that showing no emotions is key when it comes to fighting and surviving.' 

He walked out the door and Rayna started bawling her eyes out.

This went on for months. After she was taught showing no emotions, Littlefinger had hired a trained swordsman to teach her how to swordfight, a hunter to teach her how to shoot with a bow and arrow and a strategic man to teach her all about strategy and how to win wars. There was no need for any literate things, she had already read all of the books she could find in The Vale. History, gods or dragons it didn't matter. She had read it all.

When Rayna became thirteen she was the best fighter and thinker of her age. She realised that the things she had learned weren't so bad at all. The good thing about being able to hold in your emotions, is that finally you can control them. And if you can control your own emotions, you can also stop them. So she had learned herself to stop from having any feelings at all. No sadness, no love, no more kindness, no jealousy. The jealousy one was the handiest after Robin Arryn was born. Her new brother. He was treated like the most lovable boy in the world. Only he wasn't lovable at all. He was an irritating boy who was as spoiled as anyone could be. 
When Rayna had told Littlefinger how she felt about Robin the only thing he responded with was, 'He could never be worse than Joffrey Baratheon, son of Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon. He is only 11 and already has everything a person could ever ask for.'
'Yes, well. Robin is not even one year old and he already had more then I will ever get.' 
 After she said that he made her fight with the swordsman again as punishment for showing jealousy, only to find out that Rayna had gotten way better than the swordsman and had him down in less than a minute.
'You're predictable.' Rayna said already putting away her sword, 'And slow. You move to slow which makes you an easier target.'

Littlefinger had done it, he had made her what he wanted her to be. But he was not done yet, he was not yet done forming her into the manipulative woman he was making her. 

And now, 6 years later.
The manipulative woman sat there, her face against the cold window-pane snoring loudly. Now she had become this woman, what will he do with her? Now she has no emotions nor feelings, now she is the best fighter and manipulater, now she knows everything. what will he do?

Well now, There is only one thing left for her to learn.

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