So, how could Katsuki help? Well, they'd already come up with a solution for that. It was better to call it, partners in crime. After all, what was there to lose?


The class stared attentively at the math equations on the chalkboard, most likely because their parents were standing right outside their classroom. The classrooms in UA had windows leading into the hall, meaning that people could see in. This of course was perfect for the plan that the two had.

A certain two individuals stared into the classroom, one pair of sapphire eyes and another pair of brown eyes bore into their daughter's frame as she sat unbothered in her classroom. The parents could hear most everything that was said, though most parents weren't concerned about listening to a math lecture, and were talking amongst themselves.

"Tāte, pay attention, this is very important" Senshi turned around from where she was facing Katsuki, it slightly hurt to have to be told off (which was something rare of the girl), but having a glance at her parents disgusted looks was enough to heal her internal wounds. "Tāte, could you tell me what was so important that you felt the need to talk to Bakugo?"

"We were discussing the questions, sensei." Now Ectoplasm was a nice, understanding teacher, and therefore he noticed that Senshi was most definitely not acting like herself. She was testing the limits more than some of his most troublesome students thus far in the lesson, and to him, that was a real shame seeing as Senshi was one of his favourites.

"Why would you need to discuss them?"

"Because, they're rather easy, sensei." Senshi had not planned farther ahead than this, and quite frankly, her shy self was begging at her consciousness to abort the mission; especially since the questions were definitely not easy.

"Oh really? In that case, you can come and answer question eight for me." Ectoplasm invited. Senshi was fucked. Ectoplasm had clearly said that question eight was the hardest of the set, and Senshi -along with most of the class-, were having trouble grasping the next concepts and formulae. 

Senshi stood up from her chair, hearing the snicker from her soulmate because the boy knew that Senshi hadn't meant for it to go this far. The girl walked to the chalkboard, feeling not only the eyes of at least fifteen pairs of parents on her, but nineteen other students.

The girl took the chalk with her hand and began to survey the question. Her hair tickled the back of her neck as her face heated up slightly from being in the spotlight. She knew that everyone was watching her because this behaviour was new, and not only that, the students of the audience wanted the answer.

The girl began to write at the awkward angle that was a chalkboard, little specks of dust dispersing around the piece of chalk as the girl began to write. Senshi didn't know what she was writing, but it seemed to make sense with the equation given. Pausing, she looked over her half-finished work, erasing an 'x' that was there, and continuing. If it doesn't work, make it.

Senshi finished with an answer that looked like a mathematical key-board smash, and based on the body language of her teacher, she hadn't done half bad. "Correct, very well, sit back down Tāte."

Senshi hastily sat back down in her seat, her cheeks blushing from the unwanted attention that was being stood at the front of her class. "How did that even work?" Senshi breathed out in a whisper.

"Idiot." Katsuki whispered back. Senshi lowered her head in slight embarrassment, taking a look out of the window, seeing her parents glaring right at her, she simply smirked, and continued with her math work.

Lunch had gone and passed relatively quickly, Senshi not associating with her parents once again as she sat and enjoyed her lunch with Yaoyorozu, Jiro and Asui. In fact, the three had questioned the girl about her abnormal behaviour, to which Senshi replied "I want to annoy my parents." and continued to eat in silence.

Asui's parent were one of the few who couldn't come, them needing to take care of the girl's younger siblings. Uraraka was one of the other people who's parents could come, her parents needing to work, plus, they lived too far away.

It seemed like class 1A wasn't the only class that had their parents' day, literally the whole school did. Needless to say, the school felt jam-packed with people... more than usual.

Naturally, Senshi was happier when it was time for training. On the walk to the grounds, some of the parents were complimenting their child's fashion sense  for their costume, others were simply talking. On the contrary, Senshi hadn't said a single word to her parents, and intended to keep it that way.

Senshi walked next to Katsuki as the boy repeatedly poked fun at the girl for the previous lesson's events. The two hadn't noticed, but the ash blond boy's parents were watching as they walked not too far behind.

"You're such a fucking idiot. I thought you were going to just doze off or something, but then your dumbass pulls a Sparky and has to go and answer a question on the board."


"Yes, fucking oops."

Mitsuki and Masaru could definitely see that these two were definitely not just friends, and one was more determined to do something about it than the other. Besides, it's not everyday that two people have their soulmate marks in the exact same place and are too dumb to notice that they're on full display.


"Alright! Today's training is slightly different than normal, but it will cover a new topic, organised group crime. The class will be split in to two different teams, one will be the villains, the other the heroes. The heroes won't know the villains' objective, but the heroes' job is to capture all the villains by the end of the hour and stop them from pursuing their task." All Might announced, the students nodding along as the teams were revealed.

Team A:

Aoyama Yuuga
Asui Tsuyu
Bakugo Katsuki 
Jiro Kyoka
Kirishima Eijiro
Shoji Mezo
Sero Hanta
Tāte Senshi
Todoroki Shoto
Yaoyorozu Momo

Team B:

Ashido Mina
Iida Tenya
Kaminari Denki
Koda Koji
Ojiro Mashirao
Midoriya Izuku
Mineta Minoru
Sato Rikido
Tokoyami Fumikage
Uraraka Ochako

"Team A will be the villains, and team B will be the heroes. The heroes will wait for five minutes as the villains get into position and their mission is revealed." All Might continued, Aizawa-sensei standing by the side.

The villains of the exercise made their way to their selected start point, which was in an alleyway. Aizawa-sensei had revealed to them their task via a headset.

"Your task is to rob a jewelery store of five items without tripping an alarm. After that, you must transport your goods to the villain base located on your map device that we gave you at the start. You will only win the exercise if five or more of you haven't been arrested, and if you manage to get at least two of the jewels to the criminal base under the time limit. You may use the cars parked on the street." Aizawa-sensei explained.

"We can use the cars?!" Kirishima smiled, most everyone looking at each other in anticipation.

"Yes, but we need a logical plan now, cars later." Yaoyorozu explained. "I would say that Tsu, Tāte, Jiro, Sero and I proceed in actually robbing the jewellery story, our stealth skills would be best for this situation."

"I would also suggest that we pair together and split up. I-if we're together and the heroes are able to get the jewels, it's a game over, so if we go into pairs, one person having a jewel the other not, we'll have a higher rate of success." Senshi peeped in, others nodding in agreement. 

"Alrighty then, let's get into pairs and find the jewellery store and rob it." Sero said.

Senshi paired with Katsuki, the boy saying something about "I'm driving the fucking car."

"This isn't very manly but okay!"

As the hero team were allowed into the model city, the parents watched attentively; there being audio for them to hear this time. Senshi's parents had been evaluating the whole class for the entire time they'd been there, introducing themselves to some parents along the way; first impressions mattered. But honestly, they were absolutely loathing the way her daughter was acting. It simply wasn't their little girl.

Little did they know, they had lost their little girl a long time ago.

Hiraeth (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz