Life - Death

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Every living being in this cursed world starts with its own birth. Animals are hunters, or are being hunted. With Humans that is a little bit complicated, we are both in one, everyone hunts (carers, Animals, popularity, truth... Etc..) and everyone is being hunted(by politicians[being pressed to vote against own will], Parents[Pressing children to study to get better grade and Jobs, but], Bosses[Being pressed to work more and more]... Etc) You understand what am I trying to tell you? Searching for truth usually, almost always ends in some bar, with friends, drinking beer, or some other stronger beverages. With that, we are going to stage where through alcohol we are coming to the truth. I am someone who loves to tell that alcohol is the most perfect thing. That is ever founded (of course after me ha-ha). But alcohol is like the poison, it ruins whole organism, but we are still consuming it, even if it does affect our actions. Probably, you are bored by now, but lets get to the point. By birth we get body and soul, body is product of sexual activity of our parents, but the soul is the gift of the God. Everyone has his own lifespan, that is also something that God decides, because, you are controling your life I am born in 1993rd, with my actions who knows how long I will live, that is what is the point, I inherited so much alcohol, that it ruined my life... But I do not cry, and I do not think stoping with alcohol, even if I know that is bad for my situation. But here is the main point of this bla-bla text...
YOU ARE GIVEN life by BIRTH AND that "-" (sign) on your grave is LIFE do not waste it doing things you do not like, everyday  live it like it is the last day of your LIFE, until the last digits on your grave Which means when you died which means DEATH.
Also fuck your life, because life fucks you also but harder!

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