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Writers note:

Hello, thank you for deciding to read my story! I hope you will enjoy it. I do have a few things to say before you start reading:

First I just want to say that this fanfiction might contain (some I don't know for sure if they'll occur): Violence, fighting, strong language, blood and other graphic content, torture, sexual assault, and forms of death. If these subjects trigger you or you're sensitive to any of the things I just named, please do not read this fanfiction.

Second of all I want to say that I do not own any of these Game of Thrones characters. I do own Rayna, I thought of her myself. The name I did find in a different Ramsay Bolton fanfiction although I will have to admit I can't remember the name. But if you know which fanfic it's from let me know:)
This fanfic also contains major spoilers for the tv show Game of Thrones, so if you haven't watched the tv show I would recommend to watch it first. 
My story takes place in the seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. I've changed a few things about the storyline so that everything makes sence. 

I tried to keep all the characters the same as they are in the show altough that sometimes is a bit hard.

Anyway, enough with the intro and I hope you will like this fanfic.

The Product of Torture {Ramsay Bolton fanfiction/x reader}Where stories live. Discover now