011. detention

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"But we always go out on Halloween." Clarissa complains and Maria sighs. It's breakfast on October 31st, the youngest Potter having just broken the news to her two friends that she has a detention later on and won't be able to make it to their annual meeting in the school kitchens to eat ice cream, drink fire whisky and talk about deep topics like the war or something.

"I'm sorry." Maria sighs, playing with the porridge that is in her bowl.
"How on earth did you get a detention, anyway?" Danielle questions, her eyes narrow and sceptical as Maria practically choked on her breakfast.

"Oh—uh—I was smoking weed in the courtyard." Maria mentally curses herself for the defective excuse as Clarissa snorts.

"You hate drugs."

"I—well—we haven't talked in a while—"

"You're not a weed addict, Maria, how did you really get the detention?" Danielle says and Maria groans, banging her forehead on the table.
Suddenly, a note appears out of thin air in from of her and before she can reach for it, Clarissa has already snatched it and unfolded the parchment.

"'Don't worry, I might be able to get us out of detention early. . .R. A.B.'" Clarissa reads and Maria mentally screams. "Who's R.A.B?"

Danielle takes the note and her eyes widen. "I know that handwriting, I sit next to someone with this handwriting in herbology." Danielle mumbles before looking at Maria. "Regulus Black!"

"Shh!" Maria hisses, her hand reaching over to cover the girl's mouth.

"You're joking!" Clarissa says, looking at the Slytherin table. "I thought you detested him."

"I did!"

"You 'did'?"

"Yes, I did."

"What made you get a detention with Regulus Black?"

"Who's got a detention with Regulus Black?" Maria's eyes widen at the sound of her older brothers voice as he plops down in the seat next to her.

"Uh, no—nobody." Maria stutters, James giving her a sceptical look as he spoons some beans onto his plate.
"We'll talk about this later." Clarissa whispers dangerously to Maria who nods, swirling the porridge in her bowl.

"Hel—lo little Potter." Sirius sings as he sits on the other side of her, ruffling her hair up as he does, making her slap away his hand.

"Hey, did you get that grade on your potions?" Remus questions as he sits next to Clarissa and Maria smiles at him.

"Yeah, thanks, your notes really helped." The Potter says gratefully and Remus smiles sheepishly. "I have a detention tonight so I can't help with your usual pranks."

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